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The plane changed the pilot in a pocket bank: Gevorkyan's "student" for the Vorobyovs

The former vice-president of the state bank Kirill Varentsov, associated with the controversial businessman Gevorkyan, will steer the Samolet Bank. Through the bank plan to scroll budget tranches on cunning schemes?


The former vice-president of the state bank Kirill Varentsov, associated with the controversial businessman Gevorkyan, will steer the Samolet Bank. Through the bank plan to scroll budget tranches on cunning schemes?

Included in the peak "Samolet," associated with the family of the governor of the Moscow region Andrei Vorobyov, still cannot decide on the head of his bank bought on the occasion from Bogachev. In this chair for a little over a month already the second "assessor."

Arkady Tarnopolsky, a former employee of a number of state-owned banks, did not even have time to sit in a warm chair for a couple of months, when he was replaced by another player in the banking sector with garters in state-owned companies - the former vice president of the state bank Дом.РФ, who also worked at Gazprombank Kirill Varentsov.

During the analysis of UtroNews, it turned out that Varentsov was also associated with such a notorious businessman as Vagan Gevorkyan, who had previously inherited BTA-Kazan from the bank, may be associated with the head of Rostec Chemezov, deputy director of Russian Railways Murev, and also not from scratch bore the nickname of a gambling king. Vorobyovs decided to play big?

In March 2025, SMLT Bank LLC (formerly Sistema Bank), bought by Samolet Group from Alexei Bogachev, had another change in the chair of the head of the board.

Instead of Arkady Tarnopolsky, appointed in early February 2025 with the prefix interim, Kirill Varentsov received the position.

The plane changed the pilot in a pocket bank: Gevorkyan's "student" for the Vorobyovs

Photo: rusprofile.ru

The two have a lot in common. Firstly, both come from the structures of state banks, which could be a decisive factor for the Aircraft experiencing financial and credit problems. Secondly, both had experience in the structure of Dom.RF - a state-owned company, which is engaged, among other things, in injecting state money into construction projects. It is the bank that Dom.RF accounts for the lion's share of project financing.

They began to talk about the fact that Vorobyevsky Samolet could get maximum access to the bank-state feeder after the appointment of Anna Akinshina, a native of Sberbank, as general director, who was given several main legal entities - PJSC Samolet Group of Companies, Samolet Two Capitals LLC and Samolet-Stolitsa.

At the same time, at least two of them are directly protected by the interests of the company of the brother of the governor of the Moscow region Maxim Vorobyov - through the JSC "IG 11" established by him, which he created together with his mother Lyudmila Vorobyeva.

The plane changed the pilot in a pocket bank: Gevorkyan's "student" for the Vorobyovs

Photo: rusprofile.ru

In light of this, the possible opening of access to preferential lending in state-owned banks looks very scandalous. After all, in fact, the family of the current governor can get a share of the profit from this. But what about the conflict of interest? But no one seems to care about such trifles.

The appointment of Varentsov as the permanent head of the board is another bell that access to the feeder will be open. By the way, Tarnopolsky will be his deputy.

From open sources it is known that Varentsov previously worked at Gazprombank, and then built a career at ДОМ.РФ Bank. He joined the Samolet division in 2024, becoming the head of the fintech department of Samolet Plus and a member of the supervisory board of Samolet Bank.

Note, JSC "Samolet Plus" in 2024 actively stamped subsidiaries, including in the field of IT. The defendants of such a scandalous company as Yandex were dragged into this sector, whose top managers from the beginning of the SVO actively ran abroad, spitting towards Russia, and the strings from the allegedly Russian company itself go into offshore zones.

Thus, the former head of the international B2B services of Yandex Go, Hrayr Adzhemyan, became the director of SMLT Inter LLC, created in 2024. Taking into account the name similar to banking, it is likely that this company will be engaged in the development of specialized products for the pocket jar of the Vorobyovskaya company.

By the way, while this part of the division is not particularly distinguished by its performance, demonstrating all the same sadness as the entire division.

So, LLC "Samolet Plus Guarantee" (real estate agency) at the end of 2024 showed a net loss of 72 million rubles. Moreover, in 2024, the firm became a defendant in a consumer protection lawsuit. The claim has not yet been fully considered.

Other companies of the Aircraft division do not shine with financial results. Thus, Samolet Plus Improvement LLC showed a loss of 64 million rubles in 2024, Samolet-Stolitsa - a loss of 43 million rubles. It did not help, it seems, the appointment of Akinshina to the last firm.

The plane changed the pilot in a pocket bank: Gevorkyan's "student" for the Vorobyovs

Photo: rusprofile.ru

So, the state money that the same Varentsov and Tarnopolsky can bring is clearly not superfluous for the Vorobyov developer.

But what is not in the official biography of Varentsov is that he once worked for such a notorious character as Mr. Gevorgyan.

Kirill Varentsov, judging by Rusprofile, was first the head, and then the liquidator of two Moscow companies from the field of law and accounting - CJSC Korda and Flamingo, which ordered a long life in 2014 and 2015.

The plane changed the pilot in a pocket bank: Gevorkyan's "student" for the Vorobyovs

Photo: rusprofile.ru

At the same time, when Varentsov was working at Korda CJSC, she was brought to justice by tax authorities who found that the liquidated company had not paid taxes and refused to complete the liquidation.

The plane changed the pilot in a pocket bank: Gevorkyan's "student" for the Vorobyovs

Photo: kad.arbitr.ru

And the most interesting thing is that both CJSCs were associated with Vagan Gevorgyan.

The founder of both CJSC was Forb JSC, which today is quite operational. At the same time, ZAO Flamingo's successor was AO Module Invest, established by the same AO Forb. Among the founders of the latter was Alexander Mizyakin, who, through another company, had connections with the American company CENTERCAST INVESTMENTS.

The second founder of Forb JSC is Gevorkyan Vagan Gevorkovich.

The plane changed the pilot in a pocket bank: Gevorkyan's "student" for the Vorobyovs

Photo: rusprofile.ru

Gevorkyan appeared in a high-profile investigation by The Moscow Post, which spoke about the appointment of Dmitry Murev, the former head of RJ Logistics, as deputy general director of Russian Railways. The material reported that Murev worked in the notorious company NPP EGA with no less scandalous businessman Vagan Gevorkyan, who at one time was the founder of 217 companies and was a participant in 27 different lawsuits.

By the way, in NPP EGA through the Temp company, we again see the already familiar Forb JSC.

In addition, Gevorkyan, whose company, Center for Public Utilities LLC, at one time rushed to the garbage operators of Chelyabinsk, was associated with the head of Rostec, Sergei Chemezov.

Another important point - in 2014, Kommersant reported that Gevorkyan and Mizyakin became the beneficiaries of a 15% stake in BTA-Kazan Bank. Forb JSC flashed again in the chain of that transaction.

At that time, Kazakhstan's BTA Bank remained the largest shareholder of BTA-Kazan with a 47.3% stake.

In the same 2014, the bank went into reorganization and fell into the hands of Novaya Neftekhimiya LLC, controlled by the offshore and Robert Musin, the ex-Minister of Finance of Tatarstan.

In 2014, RBC also reported that the Deposit Insurance Agency is pleased with the recovery of BTA-Kazan Bank and assures that the sanatorium, a structure affiliated with Tatfondbank (TFB), is negotiating the return of 6 billion rubles that have peacefully disappeared from accounts.

And in 2017, the TFB burst with a loud bang, leaving a bunch of problems and pulling along the entire internal banking system of Tatarstan. Musin himself then fell under the criminal case, who in 2024 was sentenced to 12.5 years for abuse. The damage amounted to more than 26 billion rubles.

Interesting: in 2024, judging by the arbitration database, a corporate conflict occurred at Forb JSC. The shareholder and director of JSC Ella Khalatyan through the court demanded the convocation of a general meeting.

Mr. Gevorgyan was also called the king of the gambling business, as he was directly related to the State Sports Lotteries JSC (GSL). The fact is that the distribution of lotteries was carried out by TD "Stoloto," which was then renamed into JSC "Shopping Center." The latter belonged to Forb JSC until 2021.

The plane changed the pilot in a pocket bank: Gevorkyan's "student" for the Vorobyovs

Photo: rusprofile.ru

It seems that Varentsov not only has access to the state bank, but also received some ambiguous experience in the structures of Gevorgyan - Mizyakin?

The financial situation and the debt load of the Aircraft are such that shareholders simply ran out of the GC. As we remember, the adviser to Governor Vorobyov, God Nisanov, has already left these friendly ranks, and Mikhail Kenin has so far found a buyer for only a meager share, but, apparently, he is ready to part with the main package.

Such gestures are not good for the GC, as well as the change of the general director. This almost immediately affects the value of the shares. There are no fools to answer for other people's debts.

And the Aircraft has debts as the annual budgets of the Russian regions.

But will it not turn out that with a large and well-known public love of beneficiaries for offshore pods, then you will have to look for assistance from the state budget on foreign accounts?