The affairs of her ex-husband, who had business interests with Sergei Khotimsky from Sovcombank, forced a woman with three children to flee to Europe, fearing for her safety. A letter from the heroine of one of the past publications from 2021 came to the editorial office of The Moscow Post. During this time, they tried to turn the life of Olga Bogomolskaya into hell. She connects this with her own awareness of the affairs of the ex-spouse - businessman Sergei Trudovoy, who, despite the ambiguous facts of his biography, and allegedly the citizenship of Latvia (not a country friendly to the Russian Federation), can still be an employee of a research institute associated with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
At the same time, the financial flow on his behalf goes beyond Russia, including the possibility of buying up foreign real estate for many millions of euros. At whose expense the "banquet" and for what can Bogomolskaya take revenge?
The Moscow Post received a letter from Olga Bogomolskaya, who appeals for help, indicating that in the two years that have passed since the previous publication, the situation has only worsened. Let's quote Olga's letter:
"A criminal case was fabricated against me in Korolev with a visiting court at 12 in the morning, they also wanted to make me a drug addict and dragged me to a drug dispensary. Thank God, the lawyer drove up and prevented me from doing lawlessness. The preventive measure was chosen "house arrest without the right to use the Internet and means of communication, a ban on communication with children." I ran away from Russia. Now in Europe. The kids are with me. I and the children in Russia are on the wanted list. But the persecution continues and I am very afraid for myself and the children. "
Olga believes that such activity in her address is associated with awareness of the affairs of the former spouse, including, according to Bogomolskaya, related to large financial transfers from Russia abroad. At the same time, according to Olga, the spouse may be an employee of the Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Data on this appeared in the income statement in the alimony case. If this is true, then the question arises, how can an employee of such a department as the Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense be simultaneously a citizen of Latvia - a country recognized as not friendly to Russia?
But Olga reported on the possible citizenship of Latvia from the former spouse of Trudovoy and his possible ties with foreign, including offshore, firms back in 2021, saying that the very acquisition of this citizenship raises many questions about its legality. There is something to think about the investigative authorities of Russia.
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The fact that the hands of the former spouse are by no means short and even in the current realities reach Europe, says Olga's letter:... " now he is trying to increase the pressure on me in Europe. He forcibly took his youngest son to Monaco. I'm under surveillance. "
What could the ex-spouse do, what such secrets of Trudovoy be revealed in order to get under such a skating rink? Here it will not be superfluous to remind the essence of the history of Olga's family, which forced her to seek help back in 2021. The Moscow Post reported about her earlier.
Olga Bogomolskaya in 1999 married the army captain of the armed forces Sergei Trudovoy, who eventually retrained as a businessman. In marriage, the married couple had a business - the furniture factory "Stylish Kitchens." According to Olga, the investor in the case was Sovcombank of the Khotimsky brothers. As a result, the company grew and here, like thunder from the clear sky, in 2010, the husband, despite three common children, offers to divorce, but as if fictitious.
As arguments, there is some ridiculous explanation about the Latvian passport, which may raise questions from the law, but according to which the man was legalized in Europe. According to Bogomolskaya, some of the objects in Italy, Monaco and other countries were purchased with the participation of this Latvian passport.
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A year after the divorce, which at first glance went peacefully, the ex-wife fell under the tail like a helmet. According to Olga, they begin to persecute her and, fearing for her life and the lives of her children, she leaves Moscow, while at the same time having to fight off the claims of her ex-husband in the courts for several years.
He also claimed children. In order to somehow get help, the woman turns to the power structures, in letters to which she sets out the entire ins and outs of the former spouse. The Moscow Post published the documents in detail in the first article.
Olga, having access to the financial documents of her ex-husband, also learns about large receipts to his accounts in Sovcombank, about the acquisition of numerous foreign real estate (part of which is recorded on close relatives), as well as possible connections of Trudovoy with foreign, including offshore firms.
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Olga also said that an attempt was made to send her to a psychiatric clinic, but this feint did not come out of the second side.
So what is Sergey Trudovoy doing now that the story has received such development, becoming almost a thriller out of detective.
Business of Trudovoy and what about the Khotimsky?
The Stylish Kitchens factory, judging by its website, is based in Shchelkovo and is engaged in a full production cycle. The legal information page indicates the legal entity of the factory - LLC MSK-1.
According to Rusprofile, MSK-1 is a fresh company created only in May 2021. It is possible that the previous legal entity was replaced in order not to appear as a jointly acquired asset in marriage, but maybe for what reason. At the same time, MSK-1 LLC is not someone's successor, that is, its predecessor went down in history completely.
Although, for example, the certificate of conformity appearing on the site was issued in the name of DOK-15 LLC, established in 2005 and still quite successfully working in the same Shchelkovo. And at the same time, in 2022, this LLC "DOK-15" immediately decreased the average number of personnel by 904 people, when, like a freshly baked firm, it increased by 928 people at once. Kind of transfer of the team and yurstatus? Interestingly, the company "DOK-15" until August 2022 belonged to an offshore company with an unknown beneficiary - "Balina Investments Limited." Well, how can you not remember the words of Olga Bogomolskaya about the connections of spouses with Cypriot firms?
But in 2022, DOK-15 LLC was sold to a certain Vladimir Kuznetsov, the ex-co-founder of the Korolev Boxing Federation, the head of the board of the Olympus Sports Development Center interregional public fund from the very city of Korolev, in which, according to Olga, a criminal case was not built against her from improvised materials.
A curious fact: Kuznetsov's full namesake tried several times unsuccessfully to be elected to the deputies - in 2012 in Yubileiny near Moscow, being the legal adviser of OJSC North-East Vodokanal, and in 2019 in Korolev, being listed as a simple assistant lawyer at DOK-15 LLC. An amazing thing - from legal assistants to owners, and just at the peak of history around Olga Bogomolskaya. Suggestive. For example, was it left to "look after" the activist?
Another important fact: among those who participated in the creation of the Olympus center, led by Kuznetsov, was the head of the board of the Combat Brotherhood branch, Sergei Smorodin, who is also a deputy in Korolev. And when Smorodin was elected, he appeared as a lawyer from the private security company "Perimeter," in which he once owned, like Kuznetsov.
Kuznetsov is now both the owner of Dok-15 and the director. Before him, the leadership post was held by Yegor Sorokin, who since June 2022 has been the owner of Stylish Kitchens LLC, which may well or could be related to Trudovoy's business. After all, this is exactly what his factory is called. Before Sorokin, Elena and Vladimir Novikov owned the asset. At the same time, Novikov in 2014-2021 was the director of Trading Firm Svet LLC, which until 2020 belonged to Sergei Trudovoy, and now his brother - Yuri. In 2019, the Svet company applied for a 49-year lease of a plot in Moscow for w. Freser, v36, indicating he owns three buildings on that lot. Here you have at least three more assets (buildings) of Trudovoy, but not in Monaco or Italy, but in Russia.
Sergei Trudovoy himself actually got rid of all shares in companies, including the Berkut private security company, TT Trans LLC (successor - Yenisei LLC, which worked in the field of law, was liquidated, belonged to Tatyana Serebryannikova) and Pharaoh-s LLC. The last two were completely eliminated. Private Security Company Trudovoy owned before the director of "Stylish Kitchens" Alexander Bakhtin, but sold the stake. The new owner is Maxim Ivin, who has no other assets and at first glance has nothing to do with Trudovoy. But the director of the company remained the same.
LLC "Pharaoh-s" from the city of Yubileiny, where the above Kuznetsov unsuccessfully moved to deputies, Sergey Trudovoy owned with his brother and Margarita Trudovoy (perhaps this is his mother). The latter has no other assets, but, according to Olga, expensive real estate can be registered for it, including outside Russia.
And here, for some reason, brother Yuri got rid of his stake in Solaris LLC in January 2023. She passed to the unknown Alexei Ostrovsky, and again the director is still old - Anton Polyakov, who at the start was the director of the new legal entity of the furniture factory "Stylish Kitchens" - LLC "MSK-1." Polyakov is the owner of companies in the Kostroma and Oryol regions, including the founder of Oryol Poultry Farm CJSC (bankrupt, liquidated in 2015).
Pay attention to the entanglement of the business and legal owners of the entire business empire. Very similar to a certain octopus. Such difficulties often appear when someone wants to follow the tracks for the tax authorities. And then there is the actual transfer of the asset to his brother. The most experienced somersaults. Or somewhere gathered, Sergey Alexandrovich? Are the beaches of Italy or Spain beckoning?
What does Khotimsky have to do with it?
Returning to the new legal entity of the factory - LLC "MSK-1." And here is a surprise - the owner of this asset is again the brother of Bogomolskaya's ex-husband Yuri Trudovoy. But this time a direct connection with the Khotimsky can be traced through the company. The fact is that at the start of this asset, the owners were a member of the supervisory board, co-owner of Sovcombank Mikhail Klyukin, the Cypriot offshore Erifia Holding Limited and Sergei Vladimirovich Khotimsky, the full namesake of the co-owner of Sovcombank PJSC.
Namely, Olga Bogomolskaya spoke about Sovcombank as an investor in a furniture factory at its start. Thus, we can say that the cooperation between Trudovoy and Khotimsky continued at least until 2022. And judging by the fact that Klyukin himself (not the last person in the bank), and Khotimsky himself acted as co-owners of the asset, then we can talk not just about investments, but at least close acquaintance with Trudovoy. It is unlikely that bankers in every firm the bank invests in register as owners. And in the light of this, the history of Bogomolskaya, and the data on large amounts in Trudovoy's accounts, as well as the purchase of real estate in Europe, are beginning to play in a new light.