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Slander named Hinstein

The accusations of UtroNews and other publications of Nebohod-Media LLC of possible work for the SBU, voiced by deputy Alexander Khinshtein, are absurd. The editors will defend their good name in court.

Фото: kommersant.ru

The accusations of UtroNews and other publications of Nebohod-Media LLC of possible work for the SBU, voiced by deputy Alexander Khinshtein, are absurd. The editors will defend their good name in court.

On the eve of the Internet space blew up the publication in the telegram channel of the State Duma deputy Alexander Khinshtein - one of the most "media" people's deputies of the country. In the post, the deputy brands anonymous telegram channels that allegedly disseminate false information. Along with the names of these channels, the names of the editor-in-chief of the online publications The Moscow Post and UtroNews Alexei Kozlov are named. He is also the founder of Nebohod-Media LLC, which produces these online media.

Khinshtein, with a blue eye, states that many of the telegram channels he named may have connections with the SBU. Uses expressions such as "blackmailers," "fake comets." And all this in one text, on a par with the mention of the Russian officially registered media - The Moscow Post, UtroNews, officially registered in the Russian Federation and absolutely law-abiding LLC "Nebohod-Media."

The editors regard Khinshtein's statements as direct and unfounded accusations, which are outright slander. In fact, Khinshtein hints that Nebokhod-Media, people associated with it and publications can work for the Ukrainian special services. This can be regarded as an accusation of high treason - an especially grave crime against the Russian state.

UtroNews and LLC "Nebohod-Media" categorically reject these accusations and intend to go to court and law enforcement agencies with a statement of libel against them.

And since the deputy Khinshtein himself has so nothing to do that he allows himself media attacks on an independent and completely loyal press to Russia, we will answer on the merits.

Manipulations of Alexander Khinshtein

Firstly, Nebohod-Media LLC, related publications and personally Alexei Kozlov have nothing to do with the telegram channels named by Khinshtein. Secondly, since its founding in 2009, Nebokhod-Media and all its publications have stood and are exclusively in pro-Russian, pro-state positions. For which they have undergone many problems - both in Russia and abroad.

For 15 years now, we have been engaged in journalistic investigations against stolen officials and businessmen, but not only. We actively cover the international agenda, support Russia's information policy in relation to the most important, sensitive topics. We are an independent publication that has never hidden its sympathies for Russia and its desire to work for the benefit, and not to the detriment of Russian state institutions and society.

Interestingly, Mr. Khinshtein in his post also names the name of the wife of the editor-in-chief of UtroNews and The Moscow Post Alexei Kozlov, separately emphasizing that she is a civilian Ukraine. For the viewer, this should evoke an association with the Kyiv regime - criminals who are fighting against Russia and their own people. This should cause the reader initially negative attitude towards her person.

However, Deputy Khinshtein forgets to add one very important detail. Alexey Kozlov's wife is really a native of Ukraine, namely Donbass, Lugansk region. After the reunification of Russia with Crimea, Ukrainian Nazis came to the house of her parents precisely because they had a pro-Russian position, categorically rejected the illegal coup in Kyiv.

Agree, in this context, the statement that Kozlov's wife was related to Ukraine is perceived in a completely different way. But the goal of Alexander Khinshtein was not to give complete information so that people themselves draw conclusions. It seems that the goal was a banal "raid" to organize the persecution of independent media.

Who is Hinstein at the same time?

Khinshtein truthfully says that Alexey Kozlov lives in Montenegro. He only forgets to add that he moved there long before the well-known events, the sanctions showdown and the open confrontation with the West, and solely due to his poor health. Moreover, for his pro-Russian position, Mr. Kozlov regularly faces problems and harassment from the "Square."

It is known that The Moscow Post, like UtroNews, actively support the SVO. Moreover, they are trying in every possible way to help our fighters - morally, media, and directly - by helping to collect help and support for the Russian troops. In the "hats" of the sites of both publications there are banners offering to support the fighters of the SVO through the All-Russian Popular Front.

Does the deputy Khinshtein think that the ONF can also be associated with the SBU, the Kyiv Nazi regime or our former Western partners from NATO?

Slander named Hinstein

Photo: The Moscow Post

By the way, the open position of the publications led to serious problems for the editor-in-chief Alexei Kozlov. In his free time, he is engaged in creativity, being the leader of the rock band "Notebooks." Last year, the team was supposed to give a series of concerts in Montenegro. However, the same "vigilant" comrades, like Mr. Khinshtein, disrupted the events of the musical group - precisely because Kozlov and his media resources openly support the Russian army and the policy of the Russian President.

Slander named Hinstein

Photo: UtroNews

The ill-wishers of our country from among the foreign agents who fled the country did not fail to write about that story. Recognized in the Russian Federation as a foreign agent and undesirable organization "Novaya Gazeta. Europe " said that the concert" Nebohodov "was canceled precisely because of the support of Russian actions in Ukraine.

Slander named Hinstein

Photo: "Novaya Gazeta. Europe" (recognized as an undesirable organization and foreign agent in Russia)

It turns out that the deputy Khinshtein "denounces" Kozlov and the media associated with him in unison with foreign agents and Ukrainian nationalists. In fact, he opposed the publisher of an absolutely pro-Russian media product. Western sanctioners are doing the same, banning Russian state and simply media loyal to today's Russia.

Slander named Hinstein

The post of the Ukrainian "activist" involved in disrupting the performances of the rock band "Nebobody" in Montenegro. Posted on the social network Facebook (owned by Meta, recognized as an extremist organization in Russia).

So who pours water on the mill of our enemies? Alexey Kozlov, or deputy Khinshtein?

Alexander Khinshtein's attack on Nebokhod-Media, Kozlov and related resources is even more discouraging against the background of the editorial policy of these publications, which for many years have supported Alexander Khinshtein's own struggle with Russian corrupt officials and unclean businessmen.

We actively supported Khinshtein's criticism of the former governor of the Samara region Dmitry Azarov, as well as his alleged patron Vladimir Avetisyan. A whole series of publications aimed to help Khinshtein and law enforcement officers to highlight Azarov's failures and corruption scandals in his team. We perceived Azarov's removal from office as our common victory with Khinshtein - the victory of healthy forces over the rot of inefficiency and corruption in the bureaucratic environment.

However, apparently, it was premature to consider Khinshtein's side "healthy." It seems that in pursuit of influence in the region, cheap hype and an effort to control the maximum possible from the media space, he himself forgot which side he was on.

We have always been and remain on the side of Russia, its President and the multinational Russian people. The people and resources involved in our work are not foreign agents, undesirable organizations, they do not receive funding from abroad. And in light of this statement, Hinstein looks even more outrageous.

For some reason, when we supported Khinshtein in his fight against corrupt officials, he did not consider it necessary to "attack" Kozlov and the resources associated with him. And we will pay attention to another circumstance.

Who is the "fake" here?

In his telegram channel, Alexander Khinshtein lists telegram channels that, according to his information, can spread false information and even act in the interests of the Ukrainian security forces. Almost all large anonymous aggregators of compromising evidence and insiders are listed. Once again, Alexey Kozlov and Nebokhod-Media have nothing to do with them.

But there is one channel that Mr. Khinshtein forgot to mention. This is the notorious "Cheka-OGPU," recognized as a foreign agent on the territory of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the channel "VChK-GPU" (an obvious "spoiler" that pulls the audience away from the foreign agent "VChK-OGPU"), similar to the degree of confusion, he called.

Slander named Hinstein

Alexander Khinshtein. Photo: https://avatars.dzeninfra.ru/get-zen_doc/1897860/pub_5d1d277cb4a58500acbbff48_5d1d282aedee3600ad200ef4/scale_1200

Meanwhile, the VChK-OGPU, recognized as a foreign agent, is one of the largest anonymous telegram channels that regularly "leaks" information of varying degrees of reliability about Russian officials and security officials, openly criticizes the Russian authorities.

According to our information, there may be an explanation for Khinshtein's "forgetfulness." According to our sources, allegedly the deputy himself may be involved in the activities of the VChK-OGPU recognized as a foreign agent. Denouncing and blaming pro-state resources and real patriots of Russia, is Deputy Khinshtein afraid to come to his senses?

In any case, it is obvious that Hinstein's statements are work for the courts and law enforcement officers. And the editorial office is already preparing relevant documents for an application to the court in the libel case. We were and remain law-abiding citizens of Russia, loyal to our audience. We will definitely protect our good name and promise to talk in detail about the course of litigation on the pages of our publications.