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Petrov's legacy "comes out" Tsoi

The siloviki could be interested in "mastering" the budgets for the preservation of cultural heritage, supervised by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Leningrad Region Vladimir Tsoi.


The siloviki could be interested in "mastering" the budgets for the preservation of cultural heritage, supervised by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Leningrad Region Vladimir Tsoi.

The government of the Governor of the Leningrad Region, Alexander Drozdenko, is again "shaking" - this time the security forces came to search two regional committees at once - on culture and tourism and on the preservation of cultural heritage. The Chairman of the latter, Vladimir Tsoi, is directly related to both, who is associated with the criminal authority Alexander Petrov, who was killed in 2020.

According to preliminary data, investigators seize documents related to the criminal case of embezzlement of funds during the restoration of the Koporye fortress. The case was opened in the summer of 2017, his defendant in the rank of witness was the director of the regional Museum Agency Lesya Kolesnikova.

However, searches five years after the initiation of the case, and even without details, look like a dubious reason for the visit. Probably, the security officials could be interested in just Vladimir Tsoi, who since Vyborg times has been considered an ambiguous figure.

The Moscow Post correspondent in the Leningrad region understood the details.

As it turned out, the criminal case against Lesya Kolesnikova was closed back in 2020. Therefore, the version, which is distributed, perhaps, by the media "fed" by the Drozdenko government, looks, at least, strange.

At the same time, from 2019 to 2021, Tsoi was the chairman of the Committee on Culture and Tourism of the Leningrad Region, where security officials also visited the day before. For some reason, in his biographies in some media, the fact of work in this department is not indicated, although it is easily located in open information systems.

Petrov's legacy "comes out" Tsoi

Photo: Rusprofile.ru

Why do they seem to be silent about this? Isn't it because the Committee on Culture and Tourism acted as a customer for government contracts for almost 140 million rubles, some of which could go to unclean people?

At the same time, the chairman of the Committee for the Protection of Cultural Heritage, Vladimir Tsoi, mentioned by us, is also the deputy chairman of the government of the Leningrad region. He oversees a large layer of work: culture, tourism, sports and youth policy. This means that he became the main manager of the budgets allocated for these purposes.

Death of authority

Tsoi's appointment to the Committee for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage and Deputy Chairman took place in October 2020. And it happened exactly after the high-profile criminal story with the murder of the famous authoritative businessman Alexander Petrov near Vyborg. The murder took place in the same October and was clearly contract, it has not yet been solved.

Petrov was a deputy of the City of Vyborg MO, he was called almost the shadow owner of the city - his influence was so great. Earlier, Vladimir Tsoi was directly related to Vyborg - in the 2000s he worked at the Vyborg Shipbuilding Plant, around which the interests of various representatives of business and crime were woven together, and after many years he headed the main attraction of the city - the Vyborg Castle Museum.

According to the authors of the site Moment of Truth, allegedly Vladimir Tsoi was considered the man of Alexander Petrov. Moreover, back in the 90s and 2000s, businessman Oleg Tsoi was surrounded by Petrov - quite likely the father of Vladimir Olegovich Tsoi, who is in question.

Alexander Petrov himself was associated with all the famous "authority" Ilya Traber, who in narrow circles received the nickname "Antiquarian." This story can surely have a criminal soul.

Moreover, Petrov was "removed" very "on time" - then there was a high-profile investigation of a criminal case on embezzlement from the Vyborg budget of about 800 million rubles allocated, including for the reconstruction and overhaul of buildings and structures - counting those that had historical and cultural value. Just the "profile" of Mr. Tsoi.

First, the chairman of the finance committee of the district administration, Alexander Boluchevsky, was detained in this case. He was charged, according to which he entered deliberately false information into the documents about the allegedly performed work and organized transfers of 700 million rubles to the accounts of controlled firms. The portal 47news wrote about this.

Petrov's legacy "comes out" Tsoi

Alexander Petrov seemed to know too much. And what does Vladimir Tsoi, who is not his, know? Photo: Oleg Zoloto/Komsomolskaya Pravda

Boluchevsky himself later said that he was offered a pretty position in Moscow, but it allegedly cost 200 million rubles. So he decided to make a fuss... And soon, in the same criminal case, the head of the district, Gennady Orlov, was also detained - the person who appointed Boluchevsky to the post. By that time, the amount of possible damage had grown to 800 million rubles. This amount is comparable to the entire budget of the city of Vyborg for 2020! Komsomolskaya Pravda wrote about this.

Gennady Orlov tried to imagine a person close to Alexander Petrov. The latter was familiar with almost the entire local elite, and given the criminal soul around his figure, it is unlikely that the possible theft of 800 million rubles could pass by him - after all, it is necessary to share.

According to Nevskie Novosti, the murder of Petrov could indeed be connected with the case of Boluchevsky and Orlov. Moreover, on Monday (the murder took place on Saturday) Petrov was allegedly supposed to appear for interrogation at the Investigative Committee. It all looks like one chain of interconnected events.

The current deputy chairman of the government of the Leningrad region, Vladimir Tsoi, could also be aware of Vyborg affairs related to the reconstruction and restoration of buildings. Previously, he was a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of three convocations at once, and could well represent Petrov's interests at the regional level. Or maybe Ilya Traber?

Petrov's legacy "comes out" Tsoi

Photo: Rusprofile.ru

At the same time, Tsoi and Petrov even had a common business. Together they were the founders of Second Murmansk Terminal LLC. The company was liquidated in 2007 - but in the same year Vladimir Tsoi was already a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region.

Petrov's legacy "comes out" Tsoi

Photo: Rusprofile.ru

And among the owners of the structure is Rosinvest LLC, which has also been liquidated, but later, in 2012. Its co-owner with a 99% stake is LIRUS MENENDGMENT AG, a Swiss offshore company. Thus, both Tsoi and Petrov could indirectly be associated with foreign business, where it was possible, if desired, to withdraw funds earned by hard work.

Petrov's legacy "comes out" Tsoi

Photo: Rusprofle.ru

Not far from business

Returning to the story of the theft of funds in Vyborg - it is Vladimir Tsoi who remains outside the brackets, who was related to the city, and to the local authorities, and to Alexander Petrov. Can searches in the government of the Leningrad region be related to that case?

At the same time, Tsoi may still have interests in business. As they said, since 2019, he served as head of the committee on culture and tourism - public office. And in the same year he was still the founder of a commercial structure - LLC "Northern Investments," from where he came out shortly before his appointment.

The shares were transferred to Sergei Lenkov, a particularly unremarkable character. But the director of the company was and remains Eduard I, who at the same time manages five enterprises at once. In addition to Investments, these are LLC Sound, LLC Roshchinsky Meat Processing Plant, LLC L-Construction and LLC Zircon.

Petrov's legacy "comes out" Tsoi

Photo: Rusprofile.ru

This may be a man of Vladimir Tsoi, whom he could leave to look after, perhaps, an evil business for himself. Whereas the companies themselves can be recorded at different "denominations."

There are questions for these companies. For example, Roshchinsky Meat Processing Plant LLC, with revenues in different years from 30-70 million rubles since 2014, does not bring profit and has a negative value of assets. Money from it can simply be withdrawn, and financial statistics can be drawn. Otherwise, it is not clear why it has existed for so many years at all.

But there was something to bring out there. Back in 2017, immigrants from the administration of the same Vyborg district of the Leningrad region and the head of the Gavrilovsky quarry management invested more than 100 million rubles in this meat processing plant. With this money, it was planned to establish the production of semi-finished products from beef and lamb of the premium segment with a capacity of 1 ton of finished products per day. Judging by the financial indicators of the plant, this money did not go for future use...

If we abstract from this, and look at the current activities of Vladimir Tsoi as a curator of culture from the Drozdenko government, it turns out that museums are closed one by one under Tsoi in the region. The head of the RF IC Alexander Bastrykin drew attention to this. Which, by the way, gave instructions to carry out operational actions in the committees to which Tsoi is related.

In response to Bastrykin's interest, the official said that the head of the UK could have been misled - they say that he himself does not know anything like that. Nevertheless, information about the termination of the activities of 19 museums in the Leningrad region was checked by the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia on behalf of the head of the department - and, apparently, does not bode well for Tsoi. Apparently, Alexander Ivanovich is familiar with the topic better than Tsoi himself - and not only with this one...