Nazarov's son-in-law directory: Granel lit up muddy ties?

The son-in-law of the Prime Minister of Bashkiria, Andrei Nazarov, Ilshat Nigmatullin, brought out of the shadows a company that had previously been registered as a trustee, which appeared in ambiguous financial schemes.

The publication of a package of documents revealing some very interesting relations between the authorities of the Moscow Region and the Granel Group of Companies seems to have been the impetus for some internal castling in legal entities close to the division.

The details were found out by the UtroNews correspondent.

On September 19, 2024, the Directory company, created in July 2023 to buy and sell its own real estate, changed its owner.

The owners were Granel Group of Companies LLC Ilshata Nigmatullina (51%), Granel Realty LLC and Stroykonsaltgroup LLC. The last two belong to Nigmatullin's proxies: the first to Rustam Arslanov, the second to Vladimir Polin, the owner of a whole division of Graneli construction contractors.

Arslanov is the former director of SZ Granel Stroy LLC and SZ Granel-M LLC, and he is also a co-owner, together with Nigmatullin, of Perspektiva-Avto LLC (liquidated in 2012).


At the same time, the acquired company has a minimum authorized capital and is clearly redeemed for some transactions. Given that Granel has recently appeared in the drain of toxic assets and a series of scandals, perhaps the purchase is another drain tank.

Recall that the president of the Nigmatullin division himself has been involved in a bribe criminal case since the spring of 2024. It was rumored that he was trying to resolve matters with the claims of the Federal Tax Service to the division.

Top manager Dmitry Adushev, with whose family Nigmattulin has rather strong ties with the co-company, also got burned out on the same article. For example, together with a certain Elena Adusheva, Nigmatullin himself and a relative of another confidant, Angelica Gridnevskaya, own Leader LLC. The director of the asset is Vladislav Gridnevsky, who owns LLC UK Effective Investments, the management company of the lion's share of the Graneli division. Previously, the owners of the Criminal Code were the above-mentioned Polin, the wife of Prime Minister Larisa Nazarova and his sister, Svetlana Nigmatullina.


As UtroNews previously found out, there really were schematics with the tax authorities.

So, the company Polina, which was the contractor of a whole pack of Graneli construction projects, tried to significantly overestimate the tax deduction.

The Federal Tax Service considered that the company unreasonably declared 485 million rubles of VAT to be deducted. A kind of sleight of hand for almost 0.5 billion rubles.

Now the same Mr. Pauline was given a share in the "Directory."

Interestingly, Mr. Arslanov also appeared as a director or new owner of firms associated with Granell.

Some of them acted as a developer of problem construction projects, then they were merged with a trustee and went bankrupt. Among such companies was the Land South company, which built the Moskvichka residential complex, and the contractor was Vladimir Polin's company.

Arslanov was the director of Land Yug LLC, which was re-signed in the Ryazan region in 2022 and was liquidated on June 24, 2024 after a bankruptcy procedure. True, the asset was previously taken beyond the contour of the division, later transferred to the swatted LLC Gorod 2 and Ruslan Kuzmich, who was also the director of Gorod 2.

This is not the first time Kuzmich received the former assets of Granel, in particular, becoming a co-owner of a stake in the former Granel LLC, which today goes bankrupt under the name Thaler LLC. The Moscow Post previously told about the latter, which was the developer of the Imperial Mytishchi residential complex.

Arslanov also merged such a company as LLC "Yuveko," which was previously called LLC "Granel-North."

The company ceased to exist in April 2023, joining Stroy-Ka LLC, which is registered in Magnitogorsk. In the latter, Arslanov in June 2024 transferred his share to Nikolai Sokov.

Sokov was the director of Ufastroyresurs LLC, which later became bankrupt, which already appeared in UtroNews investigations.

It was noted that significant amounts were carried out through the bankrupt company, which was issued, including in the form of loans and guarantees for them. Moreover, the company "Ufastroyresurs." associated with Granel, was among those who appeared in the scheme with lending, similar to the withdrawal of more than 2.5 billion rubles.

In addition, Yuveko LLC was mentioned in ambiguous transactions involving another developer from Graneli (built by Profit residential complex) - also merged, and to a person close to the person involved in the criminal case Adushev. The developer was renamed from Granel Grad Specialized Developer LLC to Grad LLC.

Six months after the delivery of the residential complex, the developer was transferred to a trustee, and later Grad LLC became a defendant in claims for the recovery of more than 346 million rubles from him. The creditors were persons affiliated with the division, including LLC Yuveko.

By the way, it was Yuveko that appeared in complaints of obscene advertising, for which it was fined 100 thousand rubles.


Of interest is the former co-owner of the Directory company - Investgroup LLC, which appeared in a whole bunch of financial schemes related to lending to the division. The company registered in Bashkiria today belongs to Elena Gladysheva, but earlier Natalia Orekhovskaya from Bashkiria had an asset.

Orekhovskaya in 2015-2017 was the founder of Tolpar LLC, which later passed to Larisa Nazarova and Svetlana Nigmatullina, read the same Graneli.


Investgroup LLC itself has repeatedly shone in various kinds of financial transactions of the division. So, for example, it appeared in the history of the transition of the former state-owned enterprise "Kuzminskoye" into the hands of the division and that it was not without scandal.

In 2023, the company also appeared in the lawsuit of another "liaison" - LLC "Symbol," which tried to recover more than 1.5 billion rubles from LLC "Ufastroyresurs."

Before that, Investgroup was mentioned in a muddy loan deal in 2022. The agreement was signed between LLC SZ Granel-M and LLC InvestGroup. Ufastroyresurs in this transaction acted as a guarantor for the debts of InvestGroup. A few months later, Granel-M transferred the right to claim the debt to the Symbol company, which was followed by securing obligations. The scheme looks, in our opinion, as an attempt to withdraw a large amount from the buckling Ufastroyresurs.

And this is only a small fraction of all financial schemes that were identified in the Graneli division, including with the participation of the above persons.

Why Granel directly highlighted her connections with a number of people is anyone's guess. Although earlier UtroNews had already opened all the chains with proxies in detail, therefore, maybe it was decided to use the illuminated agents for subsequent leaks? Wait and see...