Not so long ago, the Editorial Office received a complaint from Google that our article "Not an agricultural industry is one: it is becoming more and more difficult to follow the hands of the head of the RSHB Boris Listov" was removed from the issuance of this Western hostile search engine.
The article was about the chairman of the board of Rosselkhozbank Boris Listov, and what the bank is doing under his leadership. The article was removed from issuance at the request of some copyright holders. But the authorship of the article is precisely behind our publication!
We began to understand, and found that similar claims, only on other materials about Listov, were put forward by a number of other media, and simply to portals on the Web. Moreover, as an applicant of "copyright" there was not a single officially registered media. Only openly compromising offices that reprint materials without reference to the original source. Ordinary thieves.
Meanwhile, who besides Listov can stand behind this "special operation" to clean up the negative about him on the network? The Moscow Post correspondent understood the situation.
Look in the "trash"
As they said, at first there was a claim from Google. From whom - unknown. By the way, it is not clear why the foreign, Western super corporation turned out to be so concerned with cleaning up information about Listov? Isn't it because the RSHB fell under the sanctions, but not Listov personally, and he may have interests in the West?
And then we got a paper with a whole series of complaints about various materials, where Mr. Listov is mentioned. And they were amazed. There, as applicants (i.e. those who allegedly have the rights to these materials), a whole conglomerate of "Internet dumps" of compromising content is indicated, which are engaged in reprinting other media. At the same time, the media themselves are not.
Notification from Google about suspension in search results. Photo: The Moscow Post
It is even more interesting that they demanded to remove information about Listov from resources that are generally difficult to suspect of writing journalistic materials. Moreover, on the topic of RSHB, loans, raider seizures of agro-industrial enterprises. Namely, sites such as, and others like them.
And it contains specific links to third-party resources from which materials are sought to be removed, where Boris Listov and the RSHB are mentioned. Apparently, our publication should also become one of the victims of this company. What is even more noteworthy is that the claims for each material are written absolutely the same, as if under a carbon copy. Only text names and resource references change.
What is also important - references to allegedly violators of the "intellectual rights" of these compromising resources are almost all non-working. This means that the materials could be removed - including as interim measures by court order.
This means that such a tactic to shut your mouths works perfectly. But not in our case.
Photo: The Moscow Post
If you go through the first "material" in the list (on, you cannot enter even with a VPN. The page has already been "cleaned." And the displeasure of the absolutely non-core "copyright holder" was caused by an article on Wikipedia, the name of which began with "List." Is it really a story about the "labor path" of the head of the RSHB Boris Listov, who did not suit the hero of the publication with something?
A Wikipedia page on which someone's intellectual rights were allegedly violated. Whose is that, I wonder? Photo:
According to the second link, we get to the material "The wife of the chairman of the board of Rosselkhozbank Boris Listov liquidated Insider Media LLC, posted on the Роснадзор.ком website.
The latter does not have official registration, like the media, representing a frank compromising resource. But the site "Роснадзора.ком" is still listed as the original of this publication.
But as the one who allegedly took these materials for his project, our colleagues from the publication "Moment of Truth" are indicated. As far as we know, this is their publication. She also appeared in all social networks of the "Moment of Truth" last spring. Now the article has been deleted - whoever is behind this attack has achieved his goal.
But in that information on the Rosnadzor website, the authors claim that money could be withdrawn from the company of Boris Listov's wife Anastasia Gorshkova, Insider Media.
Since the original publication on the Moment of Truth website was deleted, we are sure that soon the "maternal" (precisely in quotes) portal with this information (Rosnadzor) will soon get rid of it.
Publications disappear
The next material, the removal of which requires "copyright holders" begins briskly: "How Boris Listov takes millions from the Russian budget." Information with this title is posted on the compromising website portal has no output. And even more so, this is not the media.
And another resource with a compromising "dushk" is indicated as an intruder. It is called - The page referenced by copyright holders is currently unavailable. Covered up.
In the next article entitled "Trend of the Year: Rosselkhozbank may repeat the fate of Binbank and Otkrytie, it is said that in the near future Rosselkhozbank may suck about 50 billion rubles from the budget. Allegedly, this is the result of the management policy of Mr. Listov, and the bank itself can repeat the fate of Binbank and Otkrytie, which the state had to save from complete collapse.
It is posted on an absolutely unknown resource. But funnier still, Rambler, which is a regular news aggregator, is listed as a "copyright infringer."
That is, there is an attempt to squeeze out negative information about the RSHB from everywhere in general - starting with officially registered media, ending with aggregators and ordinary reposts on social networks.
How without The Moscow Post
In the next claim, we finally get to our material, where we, The Moscow Post, are themselves indicated as copyright infringers!
We are talking about the very article "Not the agro-industry as one: it is becoming more and more difficult to follow the hands of the head of the RSHB Boris Listov," with which we began this material. And who took, and disappeared from the Google issue.
And those who were indignant at the violation of allegedly their intellectual rights turned out to be the MirTesen social network, the only respected of all these resources.
Moreover, the social network could not write such a letter on Google, since the page on which this post was published belongs to our publication.
But our original material from the issue had to be removed until the situation was resolved. How can this be called differently than pressure on the media?
Other claims are about the same order. Again - with links to the originals of publications in Rosnadzor and Glavka, which do not make author's content at all.
What can be drawn from all this? Someone, and most likely, Listov may be behind this, has launched a real campaign to clean up information about Listov and the unseemly affairs of the RSHB in the media.
If Listov's PR people are behind it all, do they really think the pressure on the media will go unpunished? Photo:
And these defenders of intellectual rights have deployed a special lust in relation to Google. And the corporation itself, it turns out, does not even mind destroying any negative references to Listov's activities in its extradition. So who do they work for? Or, rather, what forces in the West can Mr. Listov work for, holding the highest position in one of the main Russian state banks?
Should our fighters against corruption take a closer look at his assets - suddenly foreign firms and real estate will be found there, the safety of which may directly depend on the reputation of Boris Listov? Which, it seems, is trying to defend it by very specific methods.
Our editors continue to monitor the development of events and will definitely defend their case in court - as befits decent media. Then, like compromising "garbage heaps" like "Glavka" and Rosnadzor, stealing other people's publications and acting in the interests of third parties, they are not responsible for anything at all.
And, of course, we will continue to write in detail about Boris Listov, and about the scandals in the RSHB, and about his high patron in the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Patrushev.