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CryptoLina goes to big business

The head of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Alexander Shokhin wants to put in the chair of Boris Titov a possible "crypt lover," which some tried to connect with the financial critical currency pyramid OneCoin.


The head of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Alexander Shokhin wants to put in the chair of Boris Titov a possible "crypt lover," which some tried to connect with the financial critical currency pyramid OneCoin.

The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, headed by Alexander Shokhin, proposes to abolish the post of business ombudsman and instead create a national coordination center for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs.

In this situation, the existing institute of commissioners for the protection of the rights of businessmen will be merged with the ANO "Platform for working with appeals from entrepreneurs" and the digital platform "For Business." In fact, nothing will change, except that the powers of the state will be taken to a private institution.

Although, how to see - after all, there are also benefits from this story, and very obvious, although you can hardly trust these people: the correspondent of The Moscow Post found out.

Innocent Me

The platform "For Business" (where the latter can complain about abuses by law enforcement officers) was proposed to be created back in 2019 - among the main engines of this idea was its operator - ANO "Platform for working with appeals from entrepreneurs," headed by Elina Sidorenko.

Her RSPP, CCI and Opora Rossii proposed to appoint Boris Titov as business ombudsman when it became known about his imminent resignation.

Ms. Sidorenko, better known as KliptoLina, finds time in her busy schedule to maintain a personal Telegram channel, where she shares her authoritative opinion on what is happening on the crypto services market.

She, according to the authors of the Cryptorash website, allegedly took part in the events of the "financial pyramid." Recall that OneCoin is one of the most famous "pyramids," the creator of which, Ruzhi Ignatova, was accused of electronic fraud, securities fraud and money laundering. But hundreds and thousands of people invested there.

Ms. Sidorenko in her telegram channel, when the scandal arose, disowned what was somehow connected with OneCoin. Nevertheless, she stated that "in order to promote and advertise courses, I constantly appeal to various crypto communities, government agencies and commercial organizations with an offer to study in courses to expand knowledge in the field of law" and "There were students from the Onecoin community on the legal foundations of regulation of new digital technologies at MGIMO." Can this be interpreted as - "if you find connections with OneCoin - I did not know about it?"

This is probably why you allowed Elina Leonidovna at the courses, as one of the OneCoin propagandists Irina Tolmacheva writes on her VKontakte page, "In September of this year (2018. Approx. Ed) under the leadership of Elina Leonidovna Sidorenko, training was conducted at MGIMO/.../OneLife partners were among the listeners and even represented our DealShaker trading platform there "

On the Internet, you can find a video in which Sidorenko talks about ways to invest in cryptocurrency, speaking to the audience. Whose event this is is difficult to say, but in the tags under the video there are onecoin and consonant. At the same time, other crypto exchanges are not indicated.

CryptoLina goes to big business

Photo: YouTube.com

Can we conclude that this is one of the very events in which Sidorenko so vehemently denies participation?

In addition, we managed to find the OneCoin Team Latvia YouTube channel, where there is a video in which Elina Sidorenko conducts another "lesson" on earning money on cryptocurrency. Why is she silent about this?

Golden Work, CryptoLina

How silent and about the speech at the forum from Goldjob. There is a VKontakte group, links from which lead to the official Goldjob website. The group is called Goldjob skam. Its creators openly admit that the entire structure is a "divorce"?

CryptoLina goes to big business

Photo: https://vk.com/goldjobinternational

On the Web, you can find the following descriptions of the platform: "those who have already dealt with the real work of the project unanimously declare that it is unrealistic to earn money here, only the loss of investment and time! There is little information about the company, there is no history, no guarantees either! "

"If you break through the address of the main office on the Internet: Russia, Moscow, st. 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya 23, p. 1, floor 8, it turns out that none of the search engines will find an organization with a similar name."

News from the company, as well as about its founder, who is called Timura Ambrozieva, has not been updated since 2019 - there is reason to believe that the structure was "collapsed" along with the money invested.

The fact that Sidorenko spoke at the forum from Goldjob is confirmed by the pictures that can be found on the Web, although they did not report anything about it in their Telegram channel. Or already deleted.

CryptoLina goes to big business

Photo: https://finside.ru/12072/

In 2018, Sidorenko also spoke at the Blockchain Life 2018 forum, where representatives of Okex, Bitmain and others were present.

Okex is called fraudsters on the network, the authors of the Mycripter website claim that the company allegedly manipulated bitcoin futures on its platform, and its founder even managed to visit prison.

And Bitmain cut half its staff in 2018 due to financial difficulties. Also, according to the authors of the Beincrypto website, the company was allegedly almost torn apart in the process of power redistribution.

Of course, Sidorenko did not personally select the community at such events, but the very fact that her name stands next to the names of companies with such a biography says a lot about the selectivity of the official.

Who went bankrupt - I forgive everyone

If you dig into the CryptoLina telegram, you can find a lot of interesting things. For example, a post about the success of the FTX exchange, which "collapsed" in just a few days last November. According to Lenta.ru, the founder of FTX Sam Bankman-Fried managed the money of clients at his discretion, as a result, his business collapsed, and exchange users had to say goodbye to their funds.

CryptoLina goes to big business

Photo: https://t.me/cryptoelina/2917

By the way, FTX was also convicted of allegedly raising funds for Ukraine, although it is not a fact that they reached the recipients, possibly settling in the pockets of the founders of the company.

In the context of the "most advanced," Sidorenko also wrote about the Binance crypto exchange, which was accused of embezzling customer money earlier this year.

CryptoLina goes to big business

Photo: https://t.me/cryptoelina/836

On various resources, Sidorenko is called nothing more than "skam-Elina," which in jargon means manipulation of public opinion in order to extract benefits, simply - deception.

Perhaps Ms. Sidorenko has some young ladies for the presence of crypto companies as a civil servant at events, which are further liquidated, and those invested in them remain with the "broken trough"?

Skam on a state scale

What will happen to the institute of helping entrepreneurs if such a lady heads it?

Is Alexander Nikolaevich Shokhin really prescient and calculating everything 0 steps ahead who does not see who next to him?

However, he is not the first to become fascinated by the "network" charm of CryptoLina.