Sources of The Moscow Post report that Deputy Chairman of the Russian Federation Victoria Abramchenko is going to leave the state post and move to "free bread" to Michel Litvak. The official will have a career at the United Freight Forwarding Company (OTEKO), whose interests she could lobby for many years.
The Moscow Post correspondent understood the situation.
Preferences for Litvak
Michel Litvak is a Belgian entrepreneur who moved to work in Russia, his path was long and thorny, while in the 2000s he created OTEKO on the basis of the already existing Russky Mir company and a competitor bought by Litvak - the SFAT railway company.
OTEKO engaged in investments in the creation of a large port on Taman, including coal and oil terminals. With the arrival of Victoria Abramchenko in the Government, the state was also involved in the creation of a dry cargo area.
VTB gave Litvak a loan for the construction of a coal terminal, the state was going to invest 40 billion in the construction of the port of Taman. True, later Abramchenko stated that the port was created "without a ruble of budget financing." Something doesn't converge here...
It should be noted that the territory of the port is state. This is enshrined in law. But this did not prevent in 2018 from offering the Ministry of Economy to "bite" two large sections from the port territory and provide them with OTEKO for investment projects. Ms. Abramchenko was then the deputy minister. Did she become the author of the "breakthrough" initiative?
Michelle Litvak. Photo: Evgeny Biyatov/RIA Novosti
In 2020, when Victoria Valerievna became Deputy Prime Minister, OTEKO preferences fell from the Ministry of Energy. There they proposed to allocate state subsidies to the company in exchange for reducing its tariffs for transshipment of coal. At first glance, mutually beneficial. But the question - how much money of state subsidies was proposed to be directed to this - a secret covered in darkness. It could well happen that with these subsidies it was possible to completely cover all the additional costs of the company, and it would still be left to "please" all those involved in the attraction of unprecedented generosity.
Double standards
On the other hand, the Tamans themselves were not at all happy about what was happening on their peninsula - people complained about the construction of eight natural gas processing plants on the territory of the Taman port complex. Reasons in ecology:
"Fishing has sharply decreased in the sea, constantly with the wind in the village of Volna, Tamansky, the smell of oil products brings to the village of Taman, and even closed windows do not save. With the opening and operation of the coal terminal in the port of Taman, we often observe clouds with coal dust, "wrote the authors of the petition addressed to the President of the Russian Federation.
And not only ordinary citizens believe that Litvak's projects should be looked at. The Ministry of Natural Resources identified serious violations committed by OTEKO when equipping the coal conveyor line of the bulk cargo terminal in the Taman port.
Abramchenko, on the other hand, praised the company's projects, without hesitation noting the environmental safety of the facilities built by the group. What is it, if not outright lobbying? I must think the lady received well for this.
The creators of the YouTube channel The Facts spoke very well about Litvak.
Source: YouTube channel The Facts
Offshore in Litvakovsky
Moreover, Litvak could pay from those very public money. After all, as usual, large companies, favored by government orders and large-scale projects, very often find themselves in an inconvenient financial situation caused by anything other than the withdrawal of money abroad and the theft of state property.
Apparently, something similar affected OTEKO. The company only last year managed to show some kind of profit - meager for a company of this scale. Prior to that, since 2018, the indicators have been minus.
Photo: Rusprofile
The amount of accounts payable and receivable, according to the latest data, exceeds RUB 3.6bn. And OTEKO also does not have enough funds to ensure current operations, a high share of borrowed capital and there is a risk of bankruptcy. All this is written in the service of independent assessment of companies - "Rusprofile."
Interestingly, in the spring of this year, the media reported that OTEKO rented an office overlooking the Kremlin, and can pay 245 million rubles a year for it. Where did such funds come from? The answer may lie in the structure of the company.
The subsidiary of the company - Oteko - Terminal LLC is registered for offshore from the UAE - BELVU HOLDINGS LIMITED. Other OTEKO structures are also registered for it. Moreover, the offshore entered management recently, the Cypriot gave way to it. And until 2022, the head structure itself was controlled from abroad. Apparently, the geopolitical situation is changing the alignment, but the essence remains the same. Do offshore companies need to withdraw funds abroad?
Including, possibly, budget ones, because OTEKO receives large state contracts - from one Gazpromtrans LLC for 6.6 billion rubles!
So much for a ruble of budget money, Ms. Abramchenko!
Abramchenko and her favorites
The former head of Rosreestr managed to "shine" not only in the story of Litvak. She was credited with a close relationship with a certain Parviz Tukhtasunov, who suddenly transformed from a nurse and unemployed into advisers to the head of the federal service.
Parviz Tukhtasunov. Photo:
In November 2018, Abramchenko achieved the appointment of Parviz Konstantinovich as director of the Cadastral Chamber of Russia. In addition, it is known that the lady lobbied for the appointment of Tukhtasunov to the post of head of the Russian Environmental Operator.
In 2020, investigators became interested in the activities of Rosreestr in the creation of the USRN just during the period when Abramchenko's "rules" were there, and found out that the young man could have initiated the creation of a corruption model, which allowed its participants to receive up to 25% kickbacks from contractors. About this wrote
For what reason neither Tukhtasunova nor Abramchenko was brought to justice - the issue is debatable. But according to media reports, "control over Rosreestr, the Deputy Prime Minister is vital primarily in order to prevent a large-scale investigation of her activities as a department and the" exploits "of the protege when he headed the Cadastral Chamber."
Returning to Mr. Litvak, we want to tell a very interesting story. Apparently, Mikhail Efremovich does not really like when they write something about him. After the last publication "Litvak in Taman bottling" was published, the Editorial Office received a call from a person who introduced himself as an OTETEKO employee and proposed to remove the information, stating that it was allegedly slander. Having received a rebuke, the people who were called representatives of OTEKO apparently did not calm down. Through our partners, who represents, the interests of the Editorial Board, they transferred to us the information that compiles the personal data of the heads of the founding company The Moscow Post, with a threat to distribute them. We have all transmitted this to organizations that are supposed to monitor this. If necessary, we will have to publish all the correspondence.