В мире 15:19 За минувшие сутки ВСУ потеряли 370 боевиков и 18 единиц техники в Курской области

В мире 14:04 Украинским чиновникам и военным запретили пользоваться на работе мессенджером Telegram

Политика 13:00 Картофельное "бревно" в глазу губернатора Богомаза

В мире 12:41 Захарова: Зеленский способен на самые безрассудные, циничные шаги

Общество 12:11 Более 100 граждан США, Германии, Франции рассказали Народному фронту о желании воспользоваться упрощенным порядком получения разрешения на временное проживание в России

Экономика 11:02 РЖД возобновляет регулярные пассажирские перевозки из Приморья в Китай и Северную Корею

Общество 10:10 В Петербурге задержан мужчина находившийся 21 год в розыске за кражу в Грузии 

Экономика 08:57 В Госдуме предложили ввести 13-ю пенсию

В мире 07:53 Марочко заявил о переброске резервов ВСУ на северское направление

В мире 17:28 Вопрос снятия санкций с РФ войдет в повестку переговоров по Украине - МИД Турции

Экономика 17:16 Чей автобус автобусней: как Собянин и Чемезов транспорт делили

Общество 16:10 Названа причина вспышки кишечной инфекции в Коми

В мире 14:38 Украинские боевики потеряли на курском направлении более 300 человек

В мире 13:32 Российская армия освободила Георгиевку

Политика 12:50 "Дикие ягодки" перебродили: дело пахнет керосином?



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God Nisanov
God Nisanov

26 марта 2020 08:56

God Nisanov - Russian entrepreneur, chairman of the board of directors of Kievskaya Ploshchad company. Former co-owner of the Cherkizovsky market.

19 августа 2024 07:25

"Samolet" enters Koltsov, equity holders get ready
"Samolet" enters Koltsov, equity holders get ready

GK "Samolet" was replenished with a new scandalous partner Vladislav Koltsov, whose name many tried to connect with raider seizures with criminal...

25 июня 2024 07:25

"Independent" capitals of Khikhinashvili "will serve" God Nisanov?
"Independent" capitals of Khikhinashvili "will serve" God Nisanov?

In partners, God Nisanov turned out to be a person whose business interests should be sought in Ukraine - straight from the oligarch, terrorist and...

20 июня 2024 07:21

The developer "Samolet" goes to the debt airfield
The developer "Samolet" goes to the debt airfield

The Russian primary housing market is overheated, prices remain ultra-high, but is everything so bad that the country's main developer Samolet is...

17 мая 2024 07:54

From Nisanov to Khikhinashvili: how Mosgortrans assets were pulled away
From Nisanov to Khikhinashvili: how Mosgortrans assets were pulled away

The assets of the state Mosgortrans from Nisanov's squires eventually partially passed to the oligarch Khikhinashvili, who may have ties with the...

14 мая 2024 07:25

Mushroom "rain" for "Cherkizons": Nisanov is preparing a new "Food City"
Mushroom "rain" for "Cherkizons": Nisanov is preparing a new "Food City"

Fights of migrants, shadow cryptocurrency schematics, national showdowns, and other trends of Cherkizon. Another "Gardener" and "Food City" with all...

15 декабря 2023 08:20

"Plane" of money and a bank to boot on the "board" of God Nisanov
"Plane" of money and a bank to boot on the "board" of God Nisanov

The group "Airplane can buy a bank that was recently pledged from an offshore company that appeared in the" Panama dossier "and associated with a...

04 августа 2023 05:24

In the footsteps of God Nisanov: in the former estate of Prince Golitsyn there will be eateries and boutiques
In the footsteps of God Nisanov: in the former estate of Prince Golitsyn there will be eateries and boutiques

They decided to redraw the next cultural heritage site in Moscow into boutiques and catering points. And again, developer God Nisanov and his...

01 августа 2023 05:37

TRK instead of the estate: Nisanov and Dyumin were found in Krasnaya Presnya
TRK instead of the estate: Nisanov and Dyumin were found in Krasnaya Presnya

On the site of the historical estate in Krasnaya Presnya Park, the structures of the God Nisanov and Artyom Dyumin can build another "market".

15 июня 2023 08:05

"Russia" fell to Nisanov's taste
"Russia" fell to Nisanov's taste

The mysterious death of lawyer Dmitry Shumkov and the silence of investigators - and here is billionaire God Nisanov?

27 апреля 2023 08:09

Family Consecutive Oligarch
Family Consecutive Oligarch

A loss-making company without employees approved a major development project. A whole chain of famous faces flashes behind a little-known legal...

18 апреля 2023 09:26

Do not let Konyushenny go: God Nisanov compensates for his "failure" with the market in Biryulyovo
Do not let Konyushenny go: God Nisanov compensates for his "failure" with the market in Biryulyovo

If in Moscow for the oligarch Nisanov there is a red light and a bright demonstration "who is the owner in the house," then St. Petersburg defended...

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