Uniastrum Bank charity work receives high praise at IV Russian Banking Festival in Montenegro

Every year in Montenegro the Russian Banking Festival organized by the Association of Russian Banks and the National Bank Club brings together many of the leading lights of the banking sector. This year’s awards ceremony saw Uniastrum walk away with the “Most Charitable Bank” prize.

In 2010 Uniastrum’s key community outreach program was focused on celebrating Victory, 65 years ago, in the Great Patriotic War. So far this year, the Bank has given out Rb 10 mn in targeted assistance to GPW veterans. Uniastrum also marked Victory Day by sponsoring a series of charity concerts given by celebrated violinist and honored artist of the Russian Federation Dmitri Kogan, who devised a program specially for the commemorative occasion that he performed before GPW veterans in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg, and Samara.

This year saw over 150 banks and financial institutions from Russia, Montenegro, the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, and elsewhere take part in the Russian Banking Festival, whose main themes on this occasion concerned the development of financial and banking networks in an increasingly globalized economy, and the growth of the Russian banking sector in the post-crisis period.

“We are naturally thrilled that Uniastrum Bank’s efforts have been so highly commended by the professional community,” says Uniastrum President Gagik Zakaryan. “We’ve always made a special point of ensuring that our business activities go hand-in-hand with a dedicated community-focused strategy. This year our charity work placed particular emphasis on extending a helping hand to veterans of the Great Patriotic War.”

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