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When choosing a deposit account, always look for a bank with generous interest rates and high reliability

This August Uniastrum Bank conducted a survey to find out what customers look for above all when choosing a deposit account. Taking part in the survey were Uniastrum retail deposit holders.

The results of the survey show that when it comes to choosing a deposit account, the main motivation on most people’s minds is high interest rates. 58% of respondents said they were looking first and foremost for a good return. Just under half of those surveyed (49.5%) cited the bank’s reliability as a key factor affecting their decision as to where to keep their money. Many customers today attach substantial importance to additional options, with more than 40% of respondents noting that, for them, the ability to add to their account was crucial. 14.5% said they were attracted by special features and benefits offered when opening an account, such as various prize draws or added services provided by the bank in special cases. Others said that the bank’s deposit account advertisement had played a significant part in making their mind up.

The results of the survey suggest that around half of all respondents consider Uniastrum Bank’s deposit products well worthwhile. More than half of surveyed deposit holders said they were happy with the terms and quality of service provided. Just over half (52%) said they had no quibbles as to service time. 60% noted that the Uniastrum Bank deposit agreement was simple and straightforward, and involved a minimum of fuss. 72% said they had found Bank staff to be friendly and professional, while 59% noted the convenience of their Uniastrum neighborhood banking center in terms both of location and business hours.

Retail and corporate deposit gathering has long been a central component of Uniastrum’s business mix. Indeed, the Bank has garnered a whole number of prizes and accolades in this segment, particularly with regard to its “grassroots” activities.

“Bank deposits are a safe way to store and save your money, and have recently become even more popular with the public. Also, they are becoming more functional in that the terms and conditions that apply are increasingly flexible,” says Vaagn Nshanyan, Director of Uniastrum’s Retail Business Development Department. “Surveys such as the one we’ve just undertaken help us ensure our products are meeting customer needs. These latest results are highly encouraging, and show that Uniastrum is firmly on the right track.”

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