Uniastrum improves auto loan terms

The Bank’s new auto finance program requires minimum application formalities and offers borrowers even more options when it comes to buying the vehicle of their choice.

From now on, anyone applying for a Uniastrum auto loan no longer has to submit documents signed by a spouse confirming his or her agreement to using property as collateral. At the same time, the maximum age of a secondhand car purchasable on credit has been increased by 2 years, which means that by the time the credited funds are paid back the vehicle should not be over 9 years old.

The changes concern the minimum time a borrower has been in his or her current employment, as well as the maximum age of the loan recipient, who henceforth cannot be older than 60, male or female. The minimum duration in current employment has been halved and currently stands at 3 months and 5 days.

Uniastrum Bank provides auto finance to Russian nationals aged 21 – 60 as of the date on which the loan agreement is signed. The borrower needs to be permanently domiciled in a region of the Russian Federation where the Bank maintains a presence. A permanent income is also required and the client’s employment record must be at least one year.

“We are attempting to provide our customers with a highly affordable and straightforward auto finance product,” says Anna Golikova, Deputy Head of Uniastrum’s Auto Lending Division. “Thanks to its competitive terms and conditions, we are continuing to improve our position on the country’s auto loan market”.

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