Uniastrum ranked 35th in RosBusinessConsulting ratings list of Top-300 Russian universal banks

RBC agency figures show the Bank solidifying its market positions in 2009 and reporting average 30% growth in its core business segments

Uniastrum placed 36 among Russia’s leading banks by overall loan portfolio size, moving up 18 notches on its FY08 ranking. According to RosBusinessConsulting, as of year-start 2010 Uniastrum’s portfolio tipped the scales at Rb 42.25 bn, showing 35% incremental growth in 2009. Viewed in terms of business segment, corporate loans accounted for 60% of the portfolio, soaring 60% on the prior year and pushing the Bank’s ranking for this indicator up 22 places to 38th position. Meantime, based on incremental growth of its retail lending segment, Uniastrum ranked 29th.

Thanks to the healthy expansion of its loan portfolio, Uniastrum earned itself a place among the country’s Top-50 banks by net asset value, climbing 13 places to 48th position in the FY09 ratings list. In the reporting year the Bank’s NAV increased 36%, totaling Rb 69.7 bn as of January 1, 2010.

Uniastrum ranked 43rd by size of its deposit portfolio, which expanded 28% to Rb 42 bn as of year-start 2010. Corporate and retail deposits are core components of the Bank’s business activities. In 2009, Uniastrum’s corporate deposit portfolio more than doubled to Rb 11.2 bn as of January 1, 2010. On the retail side, the Bank came in 21st based on total household deposits, which account for 73.5% of the overall deposit portfolio.

“Despite a tough year, Uniastrum managed to posted solid growth in its core focus areas, thanks to bigger business volumes, a high-quality credit portfolio, and an increasing shift towards harnessing the Bank of Cyprus’s cutting-edge technologies,” says Uniastrum Bank President Gagik Zakaryan.

For more information call or write Olga Kurganova:

744 04 04, ext. 1066

