This August Uniastrum Bank considered nearly Rb 14 bn worth of loan applications from large and mid-sized businesses

The results of the lender’s U-Super Prime promotion show more than 70 LME applications accepted between July 22 and September 1, with already 19 approved and over Rb 3.5 bn issued

Unparalleled in Russia on account of its market-beating interest rates, the U-Super Prime loan option allows borrowers to take out upwards of Rb 100 mn or $ 3 mn (or euro equivalent) at just 13.7% and 10.7% APR, respectively. In H109 Uniastrum Bank’s corporate lending portfolio jumped 14% to Rb 24.8 bn, inclusive of repaid earlier loans.

So far this year Uniastrum has added more than 10 new schemes to its range of corporate lending products, paying particular attention to the vagaries of the economic environment. At present, the most popular is the ruble-denominated U-Business Prime option, which offers businesses upwards of Rb 20 mn for a period of up to 5 years depending on the loan purpose at rates beginning at 15.7% APR.

“Uniastrum Bank has been virtually the only commercial lender offering such easy payment terms despite the rocky economic environment,” says Pavel Neumyvakin, Chairman of Uniastrum’s Management Board. “Our clients could see that we remain committed to our customer-first policy and are ready to do all we can to help them. For the record, we aim to rerun U-Super Prime before too long.

For more information call or write Olga Kurganova:

744 04 04, ext. 1066