Uniastrum renews its support for the Spassky Tower International Military Music Festival

For the second year running the Bank is collaborating on this annual highlight of Moscow’s cultural life.

The Spassky Tower 2010 International Military Music Festival will be held on Moscow’s Red Square from September 4-9. Like last year, the opening of the festival is timed to coincide with the celebrations marking Moscow City Day.

The festival brings together musicians and performers from all over the world. Last year, for example, over 40 military bands from 15 countries played on Red Square. Taking part in the festival are ceremonial guard musical ensembles and leading military bands from Russia and abroad. Representing Russia are, among others, the Presidential Band, the Central Military Band of the Ministry of Defense, musicians from the Moscow Suvorov Military Music College, and the Combined Band of the Moscow Garrison.

In keeping with the philanthropic nature of the festival, a large number of tickets are issued free of charge to children’s institutions, the handicapped, and members of veteran’s organizations. Every year some 30,000 people can enjoy the power, pomp and circumstance of military marches performed by the world’s greatest military bands, listen to works from the classic and popular repertoire, and witness all the splendor, color, and sheer excitement of military band parades, dances, and weapons displays, as well as laser and pyrotechnic effects.

“Last year Uniastrum Bank was among the first to lend support to the Spassky Tower International Military Music Festival. Thanks to organizations like Uniastrum, the festival was able to go ahead and has now become a permanent fixture,” says Vladimir Doronkin, Deputy Head and Executive Secretary of the festival. “Our collaboration with Uniastrum shows that top companies are willing to help us. Needless to say, we’ll be more than happy to continue our working relationship with Uniastrum in the future.”

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