Zelensky and his "plan" for every day

Even the closest partners in the anti-Russian coalition do not take Vladimir Zelensky and his pseudo-maritime initiatives seriously.

While the BRICS summit is being held in Kazan with great fanfare and attention of the international press and experts, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy continues to issue "plans" that, he claims, will lead Ukraine to victory in the conflict with Russia.

The previously announced "victory plan", which involves an invitation to NATO and many other things that Ukraine's partners should do, was received extremely coolly by these partners. Now Zelensky's new plan is on the agenda - about what Ukraine should do. And it is still worse with him than with the previous one.

Details - in the material of the correspondent of The Moscow Post.

So-called. Zelensky's victory plan was presented in the Verkhovna Rada last week. Of course, to thunderous applause and approval of the entire Ukrainian parliament. Those who felt skepticism towards Zelensky's team, asked uncomfortable questions and dared to question the current course of Ukraine, have long been exposed from the Rada. People's Deputy Dubinsky, who is now under investigation, will not let you lie.

The plan involved an invitation to NATO before the end of hostilities, the supply of weapons, the deployment of non-nuclear military potential of Western states in Ukraine and the possibility of using Ukrainian soldiers to confront Russia instead of NATO brigades deployed in Eastern Europe. You don't need to be an expert to understand that this is not a plan, but a set of "wishlist." As it was dubbed in the United States - "shopping list".

Its main goal is not to end hostilities at all, but to draw NATO countries into them and transfer the conflict to Russian territory. It is clear that our former Western partners did not provoke this confrontation in order to send their soldiers to slaughter - there are Ukrainians for this.

All this was said behind the scenes, and then publications appeared in the authoritative Western press. A senior Ukrainian official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told The Economist that the US authorities felt that the "victory plan" proposed by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky did not make sense.

According to him, the "escalatory potential" of Zelensky's proposals "was not well received" by the US authorities. "They say that this is a disastrous undertaking, although part of the problem is that they do not speak about it in the face of the president (of Ukraine)", the source said. He added that Zelensky's proposal should be viewed as "coercive diplomacy". But it is extremely difficult to force Russia to do something beyond its will - this is evidenced by the entire experience of the Ukrainian conflict and the "draconian" sanctions imposed on Russia.

Also on the eve it became known that seven member countries of the Alliance oppose Ukraine's entry into NATO at once. At the head of this group of countries are the United States and Germany - two seemingly largest supporters of Kyiv, who in fact are afraid of being drawn into a direct confrontation with Russia.

In addition, conditional "Eurosceptics" Slovakia and Hungary also oppose this. And with them are Belgium, Slovenia and Spain, which are "hiding" behind the backs of the United States and Germany. This is written by one of the leading US political newspapers Politico.

"Victory Plan" vice versa

Moreover, Zelensky's victory plan caused a sharp reaction in social networks - it was instantly disassembled into "memes". In this situation, Zelensky's team launches a PR anti-crisis in the spirit of Kvartal 95. It turns out that Kyiv is preparing another plan - this time what Ukraine itself must do to win.

According to a number of sources, we are talking about a document that will concern internal decisions in many areas - the military-industrial complex, defense, economy, social policy and others. The Ukrainian authorities plan to complete work on the internal plan and submit it to the residents of the country by the end of 2024.

"The goal is to do everything possible to maintain unity and achieve results in various areas of the country's development", insiders explain.

And here it is not only in the reaction of the West to the fake "victory plan", but also in the internal tension of society itself. For almost three years of military confrontation, Ukraine has plunged even deeper into the abyss of corruption and inefficiency. Sponsorship funds and humanitarian aid are stolen, supplied weapons are sold almost in open areas, military commissars are caught with huge tons of cash.

At this time, its own production of drones and weapons is frankly stalled. Energy is in an awful state, industry as a whole is in its dying state. The agricultural sector also cannot work normally. Criticism of Zelensky's team itself is growing. Not to mention the fact that he is actually illegitimate - after all, the election of the head of Ukraine was to be held in May this year.

In this situation, Volodymyr Zelenskyy does not make serious organizational conclusions, but continues to do what he knows best - acting, and sometimes outright clowning. For example, yesterday, while recording another "vidosik" for fellow citizens, he appeared in a T-shirt with the inscription "Make Russia small again" - let's make Russia small again. This is a paraphrase of Donald Trump's famous slogan "Make America Great Again".

We do not remember something when the last time Russia was small. And over the past two and a half years, Ukraine has decreased in size, and the Russian Federation, on the contrary, has grown with new, old territories.

All this is wishful thinking, an attempt to make a good face with a bad game. And the gap between reality and how it is presented by Zelensky's team and his Western curators is growing. The time will come when along the line of this gap "cracks" what remains of b. the Ukrainian SSR.