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"Twenty" will look for a "black cat"

The international forum in Indonesia has not yet started, but has already been "overgrown" with scandals.

Фото: AP Photo / Sonny Tumbelaka/Pool Photo

The international forum in Indonesia has not yet started, but has already been "overgrown" with scandals.

The most discussed event on the eve of the summit was the absence of the leaders of Russia and Ukraine at it. This means that the discussion of the armed conflict between these states - the main event on the international agenda, if it does not lose meaning at all, will not lead to the development of any specific solution for sure.

One of the main intrigues is the possible meeting between Joe Biden and Xi Jinping - the United States and China have accumulated a lot of questions for each other. True, analysts are not particularly optimistic: the contradictions are deep and have gone too far...

Will the leaders of the G20 countries be able to agree on anything constructive, and what will the world be like after the international summit in Bali, which will be held on November 15-16, in the material of The Moscow Post correspondent.

According to the Director General of the Russian Council on International Affairs (INF). Andrei Kortunov, the summit is taking place in a crisis atmosphere: "The G20 finally took shape as a reaction to the financial crisis of 2008, when the forum began to work at the level of heads of state. Then the common idea was to rebuild the principles of managing the global economy and finances. In general, the restructuring rather did not occur - due to the difference in the interests of the players. Now the situation is no better, there are even more problems, and the level of unity is even lower than 14 years ago. "

Indonesia, which presides over the G-20 until the end of this year, initially found itself in a difficult situation. In the situation that has developed today, smoothing out the contradictions that have accumulated in the world is an impossible task. Nevertheless, we must pay tribute to Indonesian President Joko Widodo - everything he can do on him. Back in March of this year, he categorically opposed the proposal of US President Joe Biden to exclude Russia from the G20, and sent an invitation to Vladimir Putin.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy was also invited to the event, although Ukraine is not included in the G20. Zelensky, of course, immediately put forward an ultimatum: if Putin is at the summit, he will not go. Nevertheless, Jakarta did not withdraw the invitation to the Kremlin.

Zelensky said he would address the summit participants via video link.

The Russian delegation headed by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov will take part in the summit.

Since the American leader stated a few days before the start of the summit that he did not see any sense in the face-to-face meeting with the leader of Russia, behind-the-scenes negotiations between members of the US and Russian delegations are likely to affect such "secondary" topics as the exchange of prisoners: The United States insists on the release of basketball player Brittney Greiner, convicted of smuggling illegal substances and former Marine Paul Whelan, convicted in Moscow four years ago for espionage.

Russia may demand the release of Russian Viktor Bout, who is serving time in America, and who was recently detained "for evading sanctions and laundering funds" by the son of Krasnoyarsk governor Artyom Uss.

Another news with the scandal was the White House's statement that Joe Biden did not intend to meet in Bali with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, whom Washington was "angry" about for allegedly "collusion with Russia" when deciding to cut oil production by OPEC + countries.

In connection with the "failure to appear" at the event of the leaders of Russia and Ukraine, the "Taiwan" agenda comes to the fore.

Biden has repeatedly stated that he intends to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping to discuss "further interaction." At the same time, the American leader invariably declares that "he is not looking for conflict, but competition" with Beijing. However, the word of the overseas leader, as always, is at odds with the matter.

The United States seems willing to do anything to maintain its influence in Southeast Asia, which China has significantly weakened over the past decade. Xi "swallowed," but hardly forgot the provocative visit of US Senator Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan, which took place two and a little months ago.

To negotiate something constructive in such a situation is like looking for a black cat in a dark room that is not there.

Interestingly, today a number of Russian media disseminated information about a possible visit to Russia by US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, who played a very sad role in the fate of modern Ukraine and remembered by the Russians for the "distribution of cookies" on Maidan-2014. The news appeared even on very solid resources, but closer to dinner it began to disappear... Perhaps this "stuffing" was the result of someone's negligence, or maybe - in this way an attempt was made to make a certain "measurement" of public opinion, just on the eve of the G20 summit. Be that as it may, one thing is clear: no one is waiting for Victoria Nuland in Russia...

The summit will begin tomorrow, and this is perhaps the first ever G20 forum when experts expect not "what Washington will say," but "what Beijing will say." And this means that the world is changing, and this process cannot be stopped.