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BRICS in the "seven"

The international organization sets its own rules of the game.


The international organization sets its own rules of the game.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov took part in the two-day meeting of the Group of 20 foreign ministers, which was held in Rio de Janeiro. Brazil has chosen by the motto of its presidency of the G20 the task of "Building a just world and a sustainable planet." In more detail in the material of the correspondent of The Moscow Post.

The meeting can be called the most important multilateral event of the beginning of 2024. And although the G20 does not solve anything, what it heard in Brazil can affect the interests and goals of the participants.

"The agenda of the Brazilian presidency in this association is in tune with the Russian plans for the BRICS, where Russia presides in 2024," Sergei Lavrov said in an interview with a Brazilian newspaper. And he added: "Strengthening BRICS capacity and role in world affairs is our priority... BRICS is one of the pillars of the multipolar world. "

The G20 includes all major member countries of the BRICS association - Brazil, India, China, Russia, South Africa, Saudi Arabia and Argentina, which received an invitation to join. Venezuela, Myanmar and Pakistan would also like to be part of this association.

Created to look for solutions

G20 countries represent more than 80% of world GDP, almost two-thirds of the world's population live on their territory. The Group of 20 was created to look for approaches to solving the problems of the world economy, but "today's situation in the world economy is grossly distorted by the methods by which the West acts in order to punish those who do not follow its" rules, "which are clearly neo-colonial in nature," Lavrov said following the meeting.

The right of someone to punish is usually recognized for those who are at the head and recognized by others as the "master." So, the G20 was created by the top of the collective West, represented by the Group of Seven (G7).

Recall that the G20 was formed in 1999. Russia was then a member of the Group of Eight (G8) and was directly related to the formation of the G20. The eighth summit of the group was held in September 2013 in St. Petersburg, for the first time at the level of heads of state and government. It is noteworthy that before St. Petersburg, meetings were held in the USA (2008 and 2009), Great Britain (2009), Canada (2010), South Korea (2010), France (2011) and Mexico (2012).

What were they going to Brazil for?

The G8 century turned out to be short-lived, after the coup d'état in Kyiv in 2014, the West threw aside guarantees of an orderly transfer of power, got Ukraine under its full control and turned away from Moscow. In response, Russia returned Crimea. This turned out to be unacceptable for Washington and London, marked the beginning of a protracted crisis in relations.

The G7 states remain openly hostile to Russia. Other G20 members are forced to adjust to the conditions. The fact that Ukraine has become an unrecognized NATO member does not please anyone except NATO and US satellites. The West is still set for a "strategic victory..."

The question remains - why were they going, flew to such a distance? Maybe see how the Seven rested? Turns away from the "burning problems of the world economy," as Lavrov called it?

He recalled that the G20 promised back in 2010 "to increase the role and importance of developing countries in the institutions of global governance." He mentioned that "in New Delhi, at the summit in September 2023, a similar text was also adopted, in which the G20 announced the need to reform global institutions in order to increase the role of developing countries.

"Three-Point Statement"

14 years have passed and what, as it were, Lavrov asked. The United States blocks reform of the IMF contribution and quota system, hopes to maintain a "blocking minority," illegally limit China's role, and does not want to "share interest." This, firstly.

Secondly, as the minister pointed out, "new centers" appeared as part of the "World Majority," including the SCO, ASEAN, EAEU. The African Union has already found its place in the G20, but there are also regional associations such as the Arab League, the Community of Latin America and the Caribbean. They should "be heard in the context of the reform of the management of global institutions," the Russian minister suggested.

Thirdly, Lavrov returned to the issues of reform of the UN Security Council and proposed to eliminate the "main injustice," namely, to "add" developing countries in its composition, to balance the role of "six allies of the United States." And he warned: "When we resolve the issue of expanding the UN Security Council, we will support exclusively representatives of Asia, Africa and Latin America," and specifically India and Brazil.

It turns out that they gathered in Rio de Janeiro to hear the Russian statement "from three points." Lavrov added to this that the integration structures of other continents should also be presented at the G20. The European Union and the African Union are included in the group, "a precedent has been created"!

BRICS hopes

Brazil invited the BRICS New Development Bank to a meeting in Rio de Janeiro. The share of unification in global GDP by 2028 should increase to 40%, while the share of the G7 may decrease to 27.8%, said the president of the New Development Bank (NBD), ex-president of Brazil Dilma Rousseff.

The interests of these two groups differ. For Washington, Brussels and Tokyo, the G20 serves as a "security letter" of their privileges, helps promote schemes and narratives that benefit them. In particular, to continue the isolation of Russia. The Anglo-Saxons intend to keep in their "perimeter" those elites who adhere to "neutrality" or multipolarity dream of limiting China's influence.

Most countries of the Global South did not support attempts to "Ukrainianize" the agenda. Brazil has found the "right angle" to counter Western pressure. Geopolitics issues were considered "in terms of their direct impact on the spheres of the economy, finance, international trade relations," Lavrov said.

China and India, Indonesia with Saudi Arabia, other countries maintain a loyal and business attitude to participate in the "twenty," are ready to cooperate with the "golden billion." But the G7 plays the game "according to Blinken's rules."

Mauru Vieira, Brazil's foreign minister, opening the meeting, said he hoped the G20 could help resolve international crises, including the conflict in Ukraine and the Palestinian problem.

Lavrov called for abandoning the use of "the economy as a weapon." The G20 should, he said, "demonstrate the desire for open and equal trade and economic cooperation."

He had no contacts with colleagues from Western countries on the sidelines of the ministerial meeting. In an interview with the Brazilian newspaper Globo, the minister noted that Brussels is determined to inflict a "strategic defeat" on Moscow, considering Russia an enemy and a threat.

In 2023, the 18th G20 Summit was held in New Delhi under the slogan of unity of interests: "One Earth - One Family - One Future." Vladimir Putin was not at that summit, he was represented by Lavrov. The Premier of the State Council of China Li Qiang participated from China. How and at what level the summit in Rio de Janeiro will be held in November this year, one can only guess.