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Tony from Russian Railways for Vladimir Tokarev

People of the company's vice president Oleg Tony may be behind the theft of state contracts from Russian Railways. Money disappears year after year, under investigation by the former Deputy Minister of Transport, but Tony himself, for some reason, remains beyond suspicion.


People of the company's vice president Oleg Tony may be behind the theft of state contracts from Russian Railways. Money disappears year after year, under investigation by the former Deputy Minister of Transport, but Tony himself, for some reason, remains beyond suspicion.

Soon, the former Deputy Minister of Transport Vladimir Tokarev will appear before the court. He is accused of fraudulently embezzling 400 million rubles while working as the first deputy director of Spetstransstroy LLC, one of the largest contractors of Russian Railways.

Spetstransstroy LLC previously belonged to the former Deputy Minister of Transport Yuri Reilyan, who is also under investigation in the case of particularly large-scale fraud. Since 2016, Reilyan has been a co-owner and CEO of the company - their affairs with Tokarev are clearly connected.

However, it seems that someone else remains behind the scenes - Vice President of Russian Railways Oleg Tony, who until 2017 served as General Director of Russian Railways, and now Deputy General Director of the entire Russian Railways. It was Russian Railways that was the largest customer of Spetstransstroy LLC in the Russian Railways system, and Messrs. Tokarev and Reilyan could act under his sensitive leadership.

Details - in the material of the correspondent of The Moscow Post.

Initially, the Tokarev case involved fraud worth 523 million rubles as part of a project for the comprehensive reconstruction of the railway on the Maxim Gorky-Kotelnikovo-Tikhoretskaya-Krymskaya section. Then the charge was specified - he is charged with embezzlement of 400 million rubles during the construction of one of the objects.

In total, Spetstransstroy received 1.4 billion rubles from Russian Railways for that project - it was possible to export money by cars. And the customer was just JSC "Russian Railways," which at that time was headed by Oleg Tony. But the work itself was performed by a subcontractor - Glavstroyinvest Group of Companies LLC.

It belongs to Alexander Ivanov's MC Trust Capital LLC, as well as a certain Ekaterina Nikolaevna Generalova. Moreover, Mr. Ivanov, according to the investigation, is Tokarev's alleged accomplice.

According to rumors, Ekaterina Generalova is a relative of the owner and president of the Industrial Investors group, and in the past - the Minister of Fuel and Energy Sergei Generalov. He could also have his own interests in Russian Railways.

Earlier, The Moscow Post wrote about the deal when Generalov's company participated in leasing 4.5 thousand new UWC railway cars. Previously, they were acquired by GTLK for 2 billion rubles, and then they ended up in Vostok1520, the daughter of Industrial Investors. It has been suggested that the company could get them almost for nothing. And now the name of his likely relative pops up in the case with "Spetstransstroy"?

Tony from Russian Railways for Vladimir Tokarev

Oleg Tony may be behind the affairs of Reilyan, Tokarev, Spetstransstroy and many others? Photo: https://vgudok.com/kolonka-patriota/olegu-toni-dostavlyayut-nepriyatnosti-nedobrozhelateli-razduvayut-skandal-vokrug

Returning to Tokarev - what happened to his criminal case? Of the solid state contract, 730 million rubles were transferred to the subcontractor, of which 100 million were later returned as an advance, and the rest were not clear where. The work was not accepted, there were disputes about the assessment of their value. With a high degree of probability, they were simply taken to other structures - and this is in a situation with a strategically important infrastructure project for our country.

In total, from 2016 to 2019, Spetsstransstroy, Mr. Reilyan, received from Russian Railways state contracts for 100 billion rubles. For some reason, not all of them are reflected in open systems. But it can be seen that the company received as much as 42.8 billion rubles from Russian Railways, led by Oleg Tony. He looks like the "beloved wife" of the main construction office of the Russian railway monopolist.

Tony from Russian Railways for Vladimir Tokarev

Photo: Rusprofile.ru

And soon all the ends will be completely lowered into the water. Both Spetstransstroy and Glavstroyinvest are in bankruptcy proceedings. Moreover, the aforementioned Yuri Reilyan managed to withdraw from the founders of Spetstransstroy back in 2019, just at the beginning of criminal proceedings.

And the company itself with wild "cons": its loss at the end of 2021 amounted to 423 million rubles, the value of assets - minus 5.1 billion rubles. LLC "Trust Capital" Alexander Ivanov was also liquidated.

One "schematosis" on all

Surprisingly, the investigation did not have any questions for Oleg Tony, who oversaw these construction projects as general director of RZDstroy and vice president of RZD.

But with the same Vladimir Tokarev who fell under the distribution, he should have been familiar for a long time: in 2006-2008, Tokarev served as head of the Federal Agency for Railway Transport (then Tony was already on the board of Russian Railways).

If we talk about Reilyan, then Tokarev could "sing" with him for a long time. While working at the Ministry of Regional Development, which at that time was headed by Viktor Basargin. Between 2009 and 2012, they were both his deputies. In 2016, both, possibly with Tony's filing, went to "earn extra money" in the Spetstransstroy business.

It is also extremely doubtful that Tony, having ceased to be the head of Russian Railways, lost influence on the company. She continues to feature in a variety of scandals. In 2020, a criminal case was opened in the Krasnodar Territory against the chief engineer of SMT-6, a branch of Russian Railways.

He was suspected of abuse of office. Allegedly, the general contractor of the "SMT-6" branch of JSC "RZDstroy" and the customer of "DKRS-Yug" - the branch of JSC "RZD" entered into a criminal conspiracy with the contractor's management and took into account the actually unfulfilled work. The damage from these actions could amount to 1.5 billion rubles, Kommersant writes about this.

Does this resemble the alleged embezzlement scheme from Spetstransstroy?

Scandals continued to rattle after. In 2021, large-scale searches were carried out at the office of Construction and Installation Trust No. 1 (a branch of JSC Russian Railways) in St. Petersburg on March 25. The official media did not disclose details.

They say that it was about another particularly large fraud, as if it took place in 2015, when 60 million rubles could be withdrawn through the subcontractor Sphere-Stroy during the performance of work on two state contracts. Then "Russian Railways" "steered" Oleg Tony.

And again - does this not resemble the alleged scheme that the participants in the Spetstransstroy case are charged with? If you wish, here you can guess the handwriting of a hand stuffed with theft from state contracts. Whose?

Move arrows, do not release reins

Let's note something else. As mentioned, Oleg Tony left the post of head of Russian Railways in 2017. It seems that even then clouds began to gather over the company and its "beloved wives." In the same year, a large-scale construction of a new zoo in Perm began, where RZDstroy was the general contractor. The cost of the first stage is 4.5 billion rubles, the money is very large.

Soon, large thefts were revealed. Initially, the amount of damage was 129 million rubles, then increased to 600 million rubles. The curator from the general contractor (RZDstroy) was Dmitry Kozyrev. He was charged.

After that, representatives of the Perm Capital Construction Department fell under it. Oleg Toni could hypothetically fall under the investigation, in 2020 he was interrogated by investigators. But this time it did not turn out to be a complaint!

Moreover, Tony has since moved away from the operational management of the Russian Railways business. Today he is the general director of another "daughter" of the state monopoly - JSC "High-Speed ​ ​ Highways," which acted as a state customer for almost 23 billion rubles. At the same time, the financial stability and efficiency of the structure is recognized as low.

Tony from Russian Railways for Vladimir Tokarev

"High-speed highways" - another feeder? Photo: Rusprofile.ru

From 2015 to 2021, he acted as the founder of Transstroybank JSCB. Already when Tony was a top manager of Russian Railways, this bank got into a major scandal: in 2007, employees of the prosecutor's office and the Internal Affairs Directorate of the capital conducted searches, seizure of documents and servers there.

This was done in the framework of a criminal case initiated on the fact of theft of property and funds of ZAO FINAO, the only developer and supplier of wires and contact networks in Russia for high-speed routes of Russian Railways. The estimated damage then amounted to 350 million rubles.

Tony from Russian Railways for Vladimir Tokarev

Photo: Rusprofile.ru

At the same time, profit is constantly going somewhere from the bank. From autumn to the end of 2021 (Tony left the structure in December), the bank lost 84% (!) Of net profit. Information about this is posted on the Banki.ru portal. Isn't it through this that the bank washes money from Russian Railways?

Is Tony's train going to France?

In the meantime, Oleg Tony remains on the farm in Russia, his family should live perfectly abroad. The publication "Vgudok" tells the details of the investigation of Western journalists about the alleged property of Oleg Tony's family.

Allegedly, his son Sergei has real estate in France, which in 2006 was allegedly transferred to the balance sheet of a Luxembourg company, the ultimate owner of which the investigators tried to introduce the son of the vice president of Russian Railways.

It also tells that in 2003-2004, when his son was still a teenager, and Oleg Tony worked for the Baltic Construction Company, allegedly registered in the British Virgin Islands and registered with his wife Tony Irina, offshore companies became the owners of the old Chateau de Montapo mansion near Paris and an apartment on the fashionable Paris Street Faubourg Saint-Honoré And then lots of other possessions.

Tony from Russian Railways for Vladimir Tokarev

Chateau de Montapo Castle in France, which may belong to people who are strange to Oleg Tony. Photo: https://t.me/istories_media/325

I wonder where Oleg's son Tony is now, while our country is conducting a Special Military Operation to protect Donbass? Obviously not in the trenches near Donetsk. Most likely, it basks on the Cote d'Azur. Money for a comfortable life could come from a whole conglomerate of possible "schematoses" on Russian Railways money? Not very patriotic...