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Severilov went "forest" Yevtushenkov

What united the oligarch Vladimir Yevtushenkov and Andrei Severilov, whom his former partners accuse of creating shell firms.


What united the oligarch Vladimir Yevtushenkov and Andrei Severilov, whom his former partners accuse of creating shell firms.

The Segezha Group timber holding at the SPIEF agreed to cooperate with the FESCO transport group on the organization of multimodal container transportation in import, export and domestic Russian destinations. The agreement will cover transportation from the Northwest, Central, Volga and Siberian regions to the countries of Southeast Asia, the Mediterranean Sea, Turkey, India and China.

What is famous for FESCO and its founders - Andrei Severilov and Mikhail Rabinovich, and what connects them with Yevtushenkov was the correspondent of The Moscow Post in the Primorsky Territory.

"We came to port today"

Severilov, in addition to FESCO, owns several other companies: Da Vinci, the Siberian Chemical Plant, which is the structure of Rosatom, Siberian Titan and a minority stake in Loko Bank.

Sources of The Moscow Post reported a few years ago that the bank has liquidity problems: allegedly, in order to cover the financial hole, it massively blocks accounts and removes fines of 50 thousand rubles from legal entities.

Severilov's partner in Loko-Bank - Mikhail Rabinovich - also owns a stake in FESCO.

The main asset of FESCO is the Vladivostok Commercial Seaport. Severilov stated that FESCO carries about 30 percent of the cargo of Rosatom Corporation, to which, as we indicated above, it is directly related. At the same time, he argued that, despite the statements of the media, Rosatom does not manage the port, and their relationship with the corporation is built on "cooperation."

Titans of Business

In 2022, the Siberian Chemical Plant announced the start of production of titanium dioxide. The plant entrusted the production with an initial cost of 1 billion rubles to Siberian Titan LLC, which showed a loss of 5.5 million rubles in 2021, and 27.8% more in 2020. One of its founders is SKHK itself, and the other is Severilov's other company, Davinchi LLC is a micro-enterprise with 10 employees.

The businessman spent almost 250 million rubles on the creation of the Siberian Titan. This is money - not "Davinci," because the company suffered losses all its existence. If in 2017 it showed 256 thousand net losses, then by 2021 - almost 20 million.

At the same time, Tomsk University developed a new fluoride technology for the production of titanium dioxide together with SKH back in 2015, Rosatom itself reported. However, the state corporation, which in theory should be interested in new technologies and projects, for some reason was in no hurry to invest money, which, apparently, Severilov took advantage of.

In 2017, he created Siberian Titanium, which is sharpened for the production of titanium dioxide, and took a wait and see attitude. Waited already in the spring of 2022! At the same time, the company said that, despite the lack of competitors, it will be able to provide the domestic market only by 30 percent.

Siberian Titan LLC has not shone with special achievements in making money over the past years. The only figuratively "well-fed" year was 2018 - with a profit of 2.37 million, then for two years in a row the company had zero revenue. In 2021, the company earned two thousand rubles.

So for a company that for the third year does not get out of millions of losses to receive state investments for years to come, preferences from the state are a great way to settle their affairs in one fell swoop. And how successful the production of titanium dioxide that has not yet begun will be will tell time.

Scandals with everyone

Severilov twice sued the Belarusian authorities. He sued once on behalf of "Davinci" in 2019. There are no details of the dispute and its results in open sources.

And in 2017, he filed a lawsuit on behalf of Parallel.UK, the founder of which he was previously, as part of the bankruptcy of the Osipovichi Carriage Building Plant and the division of business. Parallel.YuK became a lender to HIA after it bought out the debts of one of the Russian banks. Nevertheless, the International Commercial Arbitration Court rejected the claim of Parallel.UK against Belarus.

If we talk about Severilov's partner Rabinovich, transport transportation is not alien. Previously, he was very close to Russian Railways. Contracts for the repair of wagons were concluded exclusively with a company affiliated with him. At the same time, Russian Railways denied any connection with Rabinovich.

In May of this year, writer Sergei Tyulenev was detained in Moscow - the writer himself told The Moscow Post about this. According to the police, he abused Severilov's trust and squandered two and a half million from his card. They were long-time friends and even planned a joint travel business. After that, Tyulenev handed over his Cypriot passport and all documents to Severilov.

As a result, Severilov, according to Tyulenev, took and opened 15 offices in various corners of the globe on the Cypriot passport of the writer Tyulenev. If it were not for the requirements of the tax authorities, which began to come to Tyulenev, then he would not have learned about these offices at all.

The writer began to understand and found out that Severilov had withdrawn more than a hundred billion rubles from Russia through Cypriot companies over the past few years.

In 2019, the Minister of the "Open Government" Mikhail Abyzov was arrested. He is also associated with the murky affairs of Severilov. Both the former minister himself and his accomplices were accused of organizing a criminal community, fraud, commercial bribery, etc.

According to Tyulenev, he allegedly has already established Severilov's long-term involvement in the illegal withdrawal of money stolen by the criminal group of Mikhail Abyzov from the budget of the Russian Federation, which were withdrawn to Cyprus.

Now it is interesting: firstly, it turns out that despite the numerous statements of the same Tyulenev, accompanied by evidence, no checks of Severilov are carried out.

Lost in the forests

Yevtushenkov, Severilov and Rabinovich have long had common affairs. It is known that a certain Capital-Invest company was associated with FESCO, for example. Its founder is Vekta LLC, and the founder of Vekta is a certain Alexander Mineev on the FESCO board of directors since November 2020.

Capital-Invest, in turn, was the founder of SK-Start JSC, which through Novy Start LLC is connected with Moskapstroy. As the media wrote, this company was going to buy the Moscow government through Mosinzhproekt from AFK Sistema Vladimir Yevtushenkov in 2017.

Given the fact that Severilov, according to Tyulenev, may have a large number of open Cypriot offshore companies to someone else's, he has a field for working with Yevtushenkov.

After all, on the basis of transporting forests abroad, you can withdraw much more money together than separately?