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I want Inteko: Gutseriev is returning, but what about Tulupov?

Mikhail Gutseriev regains Inteko, and Alexey Tulupov risks becoming bankrupt?


Mikhail Gutseriev regains Inteko, and Alexey Tulupov risks becoming bankrupt?

The developer Sminex Alexei Tulupov sells the sites of the Inteko group, bought by him from Trust in December 2022 for a fabulous 38 billion rubles.

The market wonders why Sminex first bought such a low-profit asset, and then began to sell it to the side. Although the amounts for which Tulupov sells the sites are not named, it is unlikely that he will be able to earn something on this, taking into account the 38 billion rubles spent on the purchase.

The Moscow Post correspondent understood the situation.

We will remind, "Inteko" previously belonged to the family of the oligarch Mikhail Gutseriev and was taken along with a number of other companies by the bank "Trust" for the debts of "Binbank," in which a "hole" of 300 billion rubles was formed.

"Trust," in order to sell the "brainchild" they got more expensive, packed his portfolio with non-core sites and put it up for auction. The bank could not sell the asset for a long time. In particular, because he himself canceled the auction. There were rumors that these were the "machinations" of Gutseriev, who is trying to negotiate behind the scenes about the implementation of the company to "his" people.

As a result, the company was acquired by Sminex. And it seems that the oligarch managed to agree with him.

From Avdalyan to Gutseriev

The developer sold the territory of the Gennady Krause Automobile Plant to the Bastkon developer. Earlier, Trust Bank bought it from MR Group, replenishing Inteko's portfolio. The beneficiary of "Bastkon" is called businessman Karen Avdalyan.

The latter is close to the owner of the Safmar holding, Mikhail Gutseriev. According to the authors of the telegram channel "Arbiter" for the reason that "Binbank" credited Avdalyan's business. Maybe the same 300 million rubles passed through it?

Who else could "bail out" the asset given back for the debts formed in Binbank?

In addition, it is known that in 2014, the niece of the ex-owner of Binbank, Naim Shishkhanov, owned 33% in Bet Consulting.

I want Inteko: Gutseriev is returning, but what about Tulupov?

Photo: Anton Belitsky/Kommersant

Nisanov's man?

Last summer, Sminex sold Inteko's Rostov assets to the developer TEN, which is owned by Sergei Trofimov. Little is known about the businessman, but the Octagon publication calls him "authoritative" and connects him with the development of the Koltsovsky wholesale and distribution center in Yekaterinburg, an analogue of the famous Food City agricultural cluster, God Nisanov and Zarakh Iliev.

The last two - immigrants from Krasnaya Sloboda (Azerbaijan), worked at the Cherkizovsky market together with Telman Ismailov, who was put on the wanted list for organizing murders and possession of weapons. Entrepreneurs are still associated with criminal structures on the Web. how to know, perhaps Trofimov is their man?

Gutseriev also left the Azerbaijani diaspora not far. It is known that he is on good terms with the president of this country, Ilham Aliyev, and even hid from criminal prosecution by Russian law enforcement agencies (the charges were subsequently dropped) from 2007 to 2010 in Azerbaijan.

And back in 2016, a relative of Gutseriev was shot in Moscow. Representatives of the Gutseriev group "Bin" then said that Mikhail Gutseriev's nephew was injured as a result of careless handling of automatic firearms in his own apartment. Although it seems that it was not, and the investigators still opened a criminal case. Why try to hide the truth when it's not a criminal showdown between "clans"?

Therefore, it is quite possible that if Nisanov and Iliev are familiar with Trofimov, then Gutseriev too. And through what channels, taking into account the above information, we think, it is clear.

I want Inteko: Gutseriev is returning, but what about Tulupov?

God Nisans. Photo: https://vkurske.com/company_news/156845/

Where do the "roots" lead?

Just recently, Sminex sold another site - a speech about the territory of the Korovino KRT, which was given to the Elmos structure, close to the Metallservice metal trader. This company became private in the privatization process. Its head is Manchenko Alexander Petrovich, there is little information about him on the Web. But, as the PASMI edition wrote (recognized as a foreign agent on the territory of the Russian Federation), the group is connected with the security forces.

Indeed, the founders of the same "Elmos" were private security company "Center-K Firm" (now liquidated), it was headed by Medvedev Vladimir Timofeevich. This is the Soviet leader of the special services, Major General.

I want Inteko: Gutseriev is returning, but what about Tulupov?

Medvedev Vladimir Timofeevich. Photo: Boris Kaufman/RIA Novosti archive

Elmos was also owned by EX. Its former leader, Erin Oleg Nikolaevich, was the head of the G.K. Kasparov Chess Academy. Garry Kasparov (recognized as a foreign agent in the Russian Federation) is the 13th world chess champion.

Not the first time

Earlier, the Gutseriev family regained control of the A101. In 2017, Shishkhanov transferred his share to the state just during the reorganization of Binbank. Then she moved to the bank of non-core assets Trust, and returned to the Gutseriev family in 2019, after another nephew of Mikhail Gutseriev, Bilan Uzhakhov, bought it back through New Perspective.

Uzhakhov acquired a stake in A101 in the amount of 49% of the company under a certain agreement, information about which does not apply. The situation looks like it is just right to assume that this deal could not cost Gutseriev anything.

And it is possible that now the same thing is happening with Inteko and the assets recruited by Trust. Surely the "almighty" Gutseriev promised Tulupov for the possible mediation of the "golden mountains." But do not forget that the debts of the entrepreneur's family were calculated, according to 2019, a trillion rubles. Gutseriev even sued Forbes, which published this information, but did not survive.

So it seems that Tulupov, who could follow the promises of the oligarch, will remain "with a nose." You look, and his Sminex, which is unlikely to recoup its acquisition, will go for debts first to the Trust, and then to the people of Gutseriev.