God Nisanov's "Law of the Jungle"

Infamous developer God Nisanov and his associates are setting new "traps" for former business partner Ilgar Hajiyev.

It is true what people say: there is no fence against ill fortune... But in the case of the famous developer Ilgar Hajiyev, who is now forced to live abroad, the ill fortune is created artificially and even attached "wheels" to "go" faster!

It remains to be surprised at Ilgar Hajiyev's self- control, apparently, the fact that he is sure that he is right gives him the strength to hold on. And the investigators, hopefully, will finally understand why Hajiyev was in such a difficult situation. He still has to resist Nisanov’s "iron grip" from abroad.

Of course, the owner of the Kievskaya Ploshchad GC, God Nisanov, is an authoritative businessman. But this businessman seems to have left thousands of shareholders homeless when he cynically "seized" Hajiyev's business, didn't he?

Now, the fate of the Pirogovskaya Riviera residential complex, which Ilgar Hajiyev started building several years ago, is being decided: it is 20 multi-storeyed buildings on the bank of the Pirogovsky reservoir. But, looking ahead, we will explain that some "good Samaritans" forged all the signatures of Ilgar Hajiyev, hiding the original documents. And they began to make the developer bankrupt. Thus, Hajiyev was charged with an imaginary debt.

But Hajiyev, who has been slandered everywhere, cannot yet appear in Moscow, because he will simply be arrested. What is the solution? Fight for his honest name and business from a distance... This is what Ilgar Hajiyev does.

The correspondent of The Moscow Post is trying to figure out how he manages to do it.

Put on the wanted list

Let us recall that Ilgar Hajiyev entered the Russian construction market in 2014. He did not come as a novice: he was already one of the leaders of the construction sector in his homeland, in Azerbaijan.

Ilgar Hajiyev has brilliantly implemented ambitious construction projects in Turkey, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

In 2005, he established the Akkord Industry Construction Investment Corporation. This Corporation has become the largest developer in the republic. By 2008, the American Fund named Kazimir estimated Akkord at $4 billion, and in 2012, revenue reached $500 million.

God Nisanov

By 2012, Ilgar Hajiyev had started considering projects in Moscow and the Moscow region. To do this, he enlisted the support of businessmen whom he would meet during business negotiations when he was the Director of the all-Russian Azerbaijan Congress.

In 2014, the SDI group of companies was created: Hajiyev became the main shareholder, his business partner was founder of the Kievskaya Ploshchad GC God Nisanov.

They worked together for several years, until the project of the VernadSKY residential complex, a unique 25-storeyed business class complex with a shopping centre, appeared on the horizon.

It was planned to build 283 apartments in the residential complex. The start of sales of commercial and residential space has blown up the market. And the expected revenues were to exceed $200 million. At this stage, the management, representing the side of God Nisanov proposed to make a redistribution: to increase the commercial area of the object. But the second party did not agree: 40% of the apartments were sold by that time.

The partners began to disagree. This conflict ended with Hajiyev being forced to go abroad with his family, as, according to him, there were threats.

But soon he found out that he had been put on an international wanted list.

Resolution about search for Hajiyev Ilgar Allaz Ogly, 0.07.1973 year of birth, native of the Republic of Armenia

Let's not forget that Mr. Nisanov has his own well-established ties with the Interior Ministry, including, probably, Minister Kolokoltsev. It should be recalled that Alexander Kolokoltsev, the son of the Interior Minister, conducts business with God Nisanov’s relatives.

Kolokoltsev Jr. holds a stake in Il Forno LLC, which is engaged in the restaurant business. Until December 2017, the founders also included Oleg Yusupov, a relative of Nisanov. Vedomosti wrote about their joint business.

Yusupov, along with the Minister's son, was also a co-founder of another restaurant asset, Brinde LLC, which he left in November 2017. So, it seems that Nisanov has "connections" with the security forces.

And isn't that why Ilgar Hajiyev was put on the wanted list so quickly?

Real estate investors support Hajiyev

Opinion of shareholders of the Pirogovskaya Riviera residential complex: Hajiyev should be able to finish building houses. People figured out the situation themselves.

And in our conversation, Ilgar Hajiyev noted that there was not a single claim against him from shareholders.

Project design of the Pirogovskaya Riviera RC

In the spring of 2020, real estate shareholders of Pirogovskaya Riviera RC wrote a petition addressed to the President of the Russian Federation, Prosecutor General, Governor of Moscow region and the Director of the FSS.

"It is incredible that such outrageous things as the armed seizure of a construction site, threats to Russian citizens by some bandits who want to leave us without housing, taking away the business from our developer happen in our legal state…"

And there are already such stories from the life of shareholders of the Pirogovskaya Riviera residential complex. Diana Valimova and her family bought an apartment in the Pirogovskaya Riviera back in 2018, before the famous events…

"We were very attracted by the fact that we were promised: kindergarten nearby, hospital, shopping center, park and playgrounds, says Diana Valimova. - We took out a mortgage loan at 12% per annum and dreamed of celebrating a housewarming party in 2019. Instead, the family continues to pay 37 thousand rubles for a rented apartment during a year and still pay a mortgage of 32 thousand rubles."

Yana Pylaeva's family with two children took out a mortgage and paid for the apartment in 2018. They promised to hand over the house by the end of March 2020. But then it became clear that there would be no miracle. The Pylaevs family pays 43 thousand rubles a month on the mortgage and another 30 thousand rubles for rental housing.

And there are many such casualties.

Decision on recognition as a casualty page 1

"We witnessed the seizure of the Sales Department office located directly in our Pirogovskaya Riviera RC, where we watched the inaction of law enforcement agencies. Construction is completely stopped. Then strangers came to the sales office and called themselves new employees, but they did not submit documents for our request.

For now, the real estate investors have not received any official documents, and the promised deadlines for delivery are again disrupted.

Decision on recognition as a casualty page 2

Back in July last year, Hajiyev filed an application to law enforcement agencies that his office on Kutuzovsky in broad daylight was subject to raiding by third parties with the help of men in the uniform of the security company named Vityaz.

SDI Group lawyer Damir Bashirov recalls:

"The raiders banned everyone from using mobile phones and dismantled video cameras around the perimeter of the office. Unknown people demanded that the office staff hand over documents and Bank keys. We managed to call the police, but the police squad suddenly sided with the PSC Vityaz. Allegedly, they had documents allowing them to stay in our office..."

Investigation due to the contract between ComfortInvest LLC and Ilgar Hajiyev

Interestingly, it is the PSC Vityaz that provides its services for the protection of the Moscow, Sadovod and Food City markets.

These objects are controlled by businessmen of the Kievskaya Ploshchad Group God Nisanov and Zarakh Iliev.

Centre for business transparency

Since then, Ilgar Hajiyev has had a dark streak in his life. Hajiyev's name is being slandered in the Federal media and in social networks.

From a respected developer with 25 years of experience, he was turned into the "great combinator" Ostap Bender.

But Hajiyev is stubborn. He doesn't give up:

"I have already submitted more than several dozen appeals, applications and complaints, starting with the President of the Russian Federation, the Prosecutor's office, the FSS, the IC of Russia, MIA," says Hajiyev. - I wrote to Putin and Sobyanin with a request to protect honest businessmen, thousands of families of shareholders and help me fulfill my obligations to people. At the same time, I appealed to the relevant supervisory authorities to protect hundreds of employees who were left out of work as a result of this situation."

Investigation due to the contract between ComfortInvest LLC and Ilgar Hajiyev

He went abroad, Ilgar Hajiyev, together with other affected businessmen, organized the centre for business transparency and countering corporate raids in Russia. This centre is based in London.

The main goal of the centre is to fight crime and illegal actions of third parties against Russian businessmen. This is reported by Kommersant.

The centre has already been contacted by several affected businessmen who are looking for justice.

Who will benefit from the arrest of Hajiyev?

The possible arrest of Ilgar Hajiyev may play into the hands, first of all, of God Nisanov, who was probably the main culprit of the difficult situation in which Hajiyev found himself.

And it is Nisanov who today deprives real estate investors of Pirogovskaya Riviera not only of apartments, but also of chances to get their money back.

A few days ago, the court issued a decision on the preventive measure choosing in the form of detention of Ilgar Hajiyev.

But that's not all trouble: now the Pirogovskaya Riviera company-builder - ComfortInvest is wanted to bankrupt. And if the money of shareholders was withdrawn from this company, it is better to hide the ends in the water than to come up with a better option.

Investigation due to the contract between ComfortInvest LLC and Ilgar Hajiyev

In our conversation, Ilgar Hajiyev confirmed that the money was actually withdrawn - it is more than 200 million rubles.

But the judge of the Dorogomilovsky district court of the capital, V. Bocharova, has already put her signature on the decision to arrest Ilgar Hajiyev.

Judge's decision on imprisonment of Ilgar Hajiyev

But, what about justice, why can't this very dark story be thoroughly studied?

Part of investigation

All this is happening against the background of another high-profile scandal. It seems that the tax authorities may be interested in Mr. Nisanov's commercial real estate in Moscow, namely the shopping centres: Moscow, Food City and Sadovod.

Earlier, the Federal Tax Service of Russia accepted an appeal by Ilgar Hajiyev, in which he suggested that legal entities belonging to the Kievskaya Ploshchad holding are avoiding paying taxes. Lenta.ru wrote about this.

According to Hajiyev's letter, the basis for applying to the Federal Tax Service was analytical conclusions prepared by a group of independent financial experts. They analyzed Nisanov's highly profitable real estate properties: the Food City agrocluster, the Sadovod market, the Moscow shopping centre, the Europeiskiy shopping and entertainment centre, the Olympic sports complex, and the Radisson Slavyanskaya hotel complex.

The beneficiaries of these facilities include God Nisanov, Roman Iliev, Ilgam Ragimov and others. And the declared income (and, accordingly, taxes) may not correspond to their real market profitability.

An example is the Sadovod shopping centre, which has a market value of about 5 billion rubles (according to the Rusprofile service, at the end of 2019 - 3.7 billion rubles). Revenue in 2019 - 1.4 billion rubles, profit - 491 million rubles. But there are about 8 thousand outlets, the average yield of which can be almost 150 thousand rubles a month in Sadovod. That is, the average yield of the entire Sadovod market could be at the level of 14-15 billion rubles. These are completely different taxes.

"These facts allow us to conclude that companies established by a group of individuals who are among the main beneficiaries of the activities of the Kievskaya Ploshchad informal holding evade paying taxes, which causes a real colossal financial damage to the Russian economy," - concludes Ilgar Hajiyev.

The fuss around ComfortInvest

Can it appear that not only FTS, but also FSS may well be interested in the non-transparent business of God Nisanov nowadays? The claim of ComfortInvest LLC Specialized developer about bankruptcy of the Pirogovskaya Riviera developer looks too suspicious.

The bankruptcy of other companies that were part of Hajiyev's business may also begin with this company.

According to Ilgar Hajiyev, since January 2019, "unknown third parties, under the leadership of Nisanov "have been taking actions to remove him from the management of construction companies.

The people who seized the office, together with employees of the ECD of MIA of WAD in Moscow, held an event to inspect and remove working documentation, seals, flash drives, servers of construction companies of Ilgar Hajiyev.

Sergei Sobyanin and God Nisanov

"Since the end of January 2019, during the illegal removal of me from the management of the company, actions began to be taken to withdraw funds to the detriment of fulfilling financial obligations to counterparties. This was done by Flera Teplinskaya and Vladislav Yusupov. And they acted on the instructions of God Nisanov," says Hajiyev.

Now everything is put on Ilgar Hajiyev. But it should be recalled that at the very time when Nisanov was harassing Hajiyev's business, Nikita Danilchenko was the Director of the ComfortInvest company. Hajiyev is firmly convinced that Danilchenko is Nisanov's man. Later, Danilchenko was even detained by the police on suspicion of committing a crime. But it seems that Danilchenko was helped to avoid a criminal article.

And today it is on behalf of Danilchenko that apartments in the Pirogovskaya Riviera, built under Ilgar Hajiyev, are being sold.

"Wolves" get together in a pack

But recently, an application for bankruptcy of the ComfortInvest company was submitted to the Arbitration court from a certain entrepreneur Yana Martenson.

Yana Igorevna Martenson, as it turned out, is the General Director of the Rostov Steel Rolling Plant, the owner of the plant is Igor Martenson.

According to rumours, Yana Martenson was previously connected with business affairs with the infamous oligarch Vadim Varshavsky.

Vadim Varshavsky

Generally, the "wolves" get together in a pack. So it's easier to divide the "loot"? But so that this "prey" does not escape, they set a trap, as it happened now with Ilgar Hajiyev?

First the conflict, then the raider seizure, then the threats to Hajiyev and his family, and the cynical withdrawal of money from the developer's companies... Dirty campaign in the media. And, finally, manipulation of the arrest... And again, a dirty campaign both in the Federal media and in social networks.

And all this with the complete silence of law enforcement agencies.

But the choice of a preventive measure for Ilgar Hajiyev in the form of arrest, for him, an honest developer who has fallen into a difficult life bind, closes the opportunity to resist this wild situation, bankruptcy, to which, it seems, his former business partner Nisanov is dragging him.

What does it mean? Does it mean that the chances of shareholders to receive apartments as well as to get their millions back from Pirogovskaya Riviera are almost zero?

But if the investigative authorities find gross violations in the markets of God Nisanov (and the process is underway), it will be easier to get the truth in the bankruptcy of the ComfortInvest company, as well as to prove that Ilgar Hajiyev was framed up by setting a clever trap...