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Fight in Lyublino: Nisanov grows with Avdolyan

Did the people of the oligarch God Nisanov "sing" with the banker Gordovich, his assistant Nadbaev and their alleged partner Albert Avdolyan?


Did the people of the oligarch God Nisanov "sing" with the banker Gordovich, his assistant Nadbaev and their alleged partner Albert Avdolyan?

According to УтроNews correspondent, businessmen Robert Uzilov, Naor Azroev and Alfred Zakharyaev, associated with the Kievskaya Ploshchad Group of Companies, became the owners of the Yugo-Vostok investment company. She owns a warehouse complex in the Lyublino area. There will be a multifunctional complex with a technopark for 150 thousand square meters. meters.

"Kievskaya Ploshchad" belongs to the scandalous oligarch God Nisanov, who is allegedly close to the Moscow mayor's office and the authorities of the Moscow region. Among other things, he is a freelance adviser to the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobyov, as well as the owner of 10% of Samolet Group, a company whose founder and beneficiary was previously the governor's brother Maxim Vorobyov.

Robert Uzilov does not have a direct connection with Nisanov's companies - but his e-mail box with the domain of the Evropeisky shopping center Nisanov. Naor Azroev is a co-owner of a number of Kyiv Square companies, and Alfred Zakharyaev is presumably a member of the family of brothers Isaiah and German Zakharyaev, relatives of God Nisanov.

The seller of the investment company "Southeast" is interesting. It was the Horizon N mutual fund and the famous entrepreneur Andrei Nedbaev. The latter is a large developer from St. Petersburg, which now works in Moscow. He is the owner of a dozen companies in both capitals, including Aquapark Building LLC (Waterville water park legal entity), Aura LLC (MFC of the same name on Lakhtinskoye Shosse in St. Petersburg), AN Invest Olympus LLC, AN Severnaya Stolitsa LLC, Rideks LLC and others.

Nedbaev on the "contract" with Gordovich

According to the Web, Andrei Nedbaev is allegedly the henchman of the main owner of BBR Bank, the extremely scandalous banker Dmitry Gordovich. Ill-wishers are trying to attribute to the latter unfriendly acquisitions through bankruptcies using loans from BBR Bank. At the same time, according to the Web, it is Nedbaev who allegedly acts as a "negotiator" from Gordovich, "luring" potential victims into the credit stranglehold of "BBR Bank".

As an example, the story of an attempt to bankrupt Megapolis Development LLC is given. Dalia Kaledina, who may be the common-law wife of Dmitry Gordovich, became the co-owner of a small share in this structure. And after that, it was allegedly Andrei Nedbaev who persuaded the LLC to take a large loan from BBR Bank. In August 2022, the bank, for very dubious reasons, demanded early repayment of the loan, and also banned refinancing in other credit institutions.

If there was such a scheme, it failed - the structure did not become bankrupt. Kaledina withdrew from the capital of the LLC in 2023, with the share of the owners removed the encumbrance of the collateral. Now the main beneficiary of the company is the same - Sergey Boldyrev.

Gordovich is also credited with interfering in the scandalous story with the alleged attempt to capture the Anopinsky glass factory in the Vladimir region. According to the press, its previous owner Vitaly Mironov tried to seize the plant, and at some point BBR Bank joined this process.

Fight in Lyublino: Nisanov grows with Avdolyan

Dmitry Gordovich. Photo: https://biographe.ru/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/123.jpg

The tenant of the plant and the pledge creditor, Expo Glass, was credited to BBR Bank, and without delays, and repaid the debt in full. But unexpectedly on December 16, 2020, the BBB - the Bank sent a request for early repayment of obligations under concluded loan agreements by January 11, 2021, that is, 11 days from the date of notification of the borrower. In 2022, after a series of lawsuits, the plant was bankrupt, Gordovich could celebrate the victory.

And Avdolyan who joined them

In addition, as УтроNews found out, Dmitry Gordovich's business turned out to be connected with the affairs of another large oligarch, the owner of A-Property and a host of other assets, Albert Avdolyan. They also tried more than once to attribute to him unfriendly acquisitions of liked assets.

His trace is noticeable in the history of the collapse of PJSC Mezhregionsoyuzenergo (MRSEN holding), in the register of creditors of which structures close to Avdolyan tried to "squeeze". Namely, LLC "TsIPE named after N.A. Popov" is a subsidiary of the offshore company Sparkel City Invest LTD, associated with Avdolyan.

At the same time, the offshore carried out loan transactions with the participation of Gordovich's BBR Bank. For example, this was the case with a loan for PJSC Arkhangelsk Sales Company. The latter was given a loan by Gordovich's bank, and the collateral was some bills, which Sparkel first bought from the bank, and then transferred as collateral.

Recall that the history of the MRSEN holding turned out to be extremely vague and sad. In 2021, the security forces opened a scheme according to which energy companies controlled by the holding could withdraw from the country about 10 billion rubles received from PJSC Rosseti. Under investigation were the heads of a number of companies that were part of the MRSEN - JSC Roskommunenergo, JSC Khakasenergosbyt and a number of others.

At the same time, Mezhregionsoyuzenergo was headed by Eldar Osmanov, a relative of Albert Avdolyan, the husband of his daughter. Osmanov himself managed to escape from the country - presumably to London, where the Avdolyan family also has a lot of interests.

Fight in Lyublino: Nisanov grows with Avdolyan

Albert Avdolian. Photo: https://icdn.lenta.ru/images/2019/09/12/12/20190912123041703/square_1280_d7e32e941091e84577c768b8891d67d7.jpg

Avdolyan's daughter's name is Elvira Avdolyan. Its full namesake is the beneficiary of the British offshore SIRENELONDONCOSMETICS LTD. Presumably, this "money box" of the oligarch Avdolyan, where does he put the money "earned" in Russia? And in this Avdolyan can be helped by the owner of "BBR Bank" Dmitry Gordovich and his alleged assistant developer Andrei Nedbaev?

"Absorbers" found each other?

Returning to the new purchase of people close to God Nisanov: it is noteworthy that all 100% of the shares of the investment company Yugo-Vostok, which were transferred to Uzilov, Azroev and Zakharyaev, are pledged by BBR Bank. If Nedbaev really was Gordovich's "henchman", then without the agreement of the latter, the deal on the "Southeast" would not have passed.

Fight in Lyublino: Nisanov grows with Avdolyan

Photo: Rusprofile.ru

At the same time, Zakharyaev also tried to attribute attempts at raider capture to associates, partners and relatives of Goda Nisanov. We are talking about the former owner of SDI Group Ilgar Hajiyev, who directly accused Nisanov of raider seizure of his business. Among other things, he claimed that Nisanov and his people allegedly work closely with Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, who allegedly receives a percentage of all of Nisanov's lucrative deals in the capital.

As a result, Hajiyev had to leave the country because of fears for his life. And the Zakharyaev brothers continued to develop their development "Cesar Group" - presumably, not without the help of Mr. Nisanov.

Rumors that Sobyanin may cover Nisanov are also spreading because the oligarch's indoor markets in the capital work without any problems, although illegal migration, sale of counterfeit goods, illegal mining of cryptocurrencies and "cash out" can flourish on them.

Fight in Lyublino: Nisanov grows with Avdolyan

God Nisanov. Photo: https://mm-g.ru/upload/iblock/6a7/6a7f2783f8985145d4409bf88a7eea5f.jpg

In 2019, large-scale searches of the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs took place in the Nisanov markets "Sadovod" and "Moscow," but this did not end with anything bad for Nisanov himself. Rumor has it that Nisanov has long been well friends with Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev. Maybe that's the point?

Therefore, Nisanov and his team in Moscow are on the green light. And even more so, no one should be surprised that such "muddy" characters as Nisanov, Nedbaev, Gordovich and Avdolyan found each other.