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Did the land baron Ryabinsky hide behind ties with Mihas?

Probably, not without the help of a well-known, in certain circles, Mikhail developer Ryabinsky took over a former state asset with a large land bank.


Probably, not without the help of a well-known, in certain circles, Mikhail developer Ryabinsky took over a former state asset with a large land bank.

Later, the Moscow Region lands were involved in controversial MIC transactions.

Also cunning gentlemen took control of apartments in a house built back in the Soviet years.

The developer Ryabinsky, who already has a proven connection with Sergei Mikhailov, is listed at the end of 2023 as a shareholder and member of the board of directors of the former Orudyevskoye OJSC. Around this company and there are strange financial and land manipulations.

The UtroNews correspondent understood the story.

As UtroNews previously reported, the developer Ryabinsky, a big lover of offshore money boxes, showed strong ties not only with abroad, but also with Sergei Mikhailov, not the last person in the Moscow region who is associated with the so-called "Solntsevskys." Through Novoglagolevo-3 LLC, Ryabinsky and his business partner were associated with Vera Seregina, who is considered the daughter of Sergei Mikhailov.

Did the land baron Ryabinsky hide behind ties with Mihas?

Photo: rusprofile.ru

The LLC was liquidated in 2021, but through it the editorial office reached the "daughter" of Novoglagolevo-3 - LLC "Factory of Bionic Products" in Istra. Among the owners of shares, Olga Korobova-Pleskova was also noted, as well as a couple of physicists, including Anatoly Abakumov, who is connected by common legal entities with the one who is called Mikhasem in narrow circles.

Did the land baron Ryabinsky hide behind ties with Mihas?

Photo: rusprofile.ru

In turn, Ms. Korobova (Pleskova) could represent Ryabinsky's interests in this business, because she was not only the director of Novoglagolevo-3, but led a whole pack of legal entities from the MIC division.

Did the land baron Ryabinsky hide behind ties with Mihas?

Photo: rusprofile.ru

Ms. Korobova also showed up as the beneficiary (at the end of 2023) of a very interesting asset - JSC Agrofirm Orudyevskoye.

The company is the heir to the former state-owned enterprise, which became Orudyevskoye OJSC, and then a joint-stock company.

At the same time, if Korobova (Pleskova) is listed as a beneficiary, then Andrei Ryabinsky himself was a shareholder of a small share, and also appeared as a party to numerous lending transactions. His partner Kopylkov also appeared both as a member of the board of directors and as a party to the loan agreement.

Did the land baron Ryabinsky hide behind ties with Mihas?

Photo: bo.nalog.ru

One gets the impression that large amounts were scrolled through the agricultural company (in 2022 it was about 1.5 billion rubles), which were carried out as loans to related parties.

Judging by the table for 2023. the arrival under the loan agreement from Ryabinsky amounted to 95.7 million rubles, and the expense - 196.1 million rubles, Kopylkov - 42.19 million rubles and 1.2 billion rubles, respectively. Moreover, for a certain LLC MITs-5, under some other contracts, the receipt was 2.4 billion rubles, and the expense was 1.1 billion rubles. Interesting layouts, don't you think?

Did the land baron Ryabinsky hide behind ties with Mihas?

Photo: bo.nalog.ru

Meanwhile, a certain LLC SZ "MITs-5" in January 2024 was renamed LLC "RK-5." The director in this company for five employees is Oleg Komarov, who also runs the Orudyevskoye Agrofirm JSC. Is it easier to make loans?

SZ "MITs-5" did not sell as part of a deal with Vorobyov GC Airplane. Kopylkov from the company made his legs in December 2024, and Ryabinsky remained its sole owner.

LLC "RK-5," created in 2022, looks like a company that is used as a layer for financial schemes, including in the boxing world, where Ryabinsky also noted.

For example, judging by the arbitration database, allegedly a year after the creation of the LLC lent more than 2 million rubles under three contracts with the World of Boxing Promotion Company LLC. For a minute, for 2023, all the lender's revenue was worth 460 thousand rubles, and for the Federal Tax Service, these cunning guys indicated a net loss of 107 million rubles. Where does the money come from for some loans there?

And already in October 2024, the promotion company was bankrupt under the scheme of the liquidated debtor. The initiator was RK-5 LLC. The ends of a weird financial deal in the water?

Did the land baron Ryabinsky hide behind ties with Mihas?

Photo: rusprofile.ru

The most cherry on the cake is that Ryabinsky appeared in the media as the president of the Boxing World promotion company, which had problems with the tax authorities blocking its accounts. At the same time, the publication "Soviet Sport" suggested that the blocking is often associated with suspicion of dubious financial transactions. It was about the predecessor of that "Boxing World," which bankrupt LLC "RK-5."

Now watch your hands.

The owners of the bankrupt Boxing World Promotion Company LLC, established in 2018, were Viktor Selyutin (released in April 2024) and Alexei Mironov. So, Mironov is not a stranger to Ryabinsky. He was the director of SZ Mitz-Stroykapital LLC, which later entered the perimeter of the deal with Samolet.

Selyutin is also his own for the developer. He was the director of LLC SZ Paveletskaya, which before the liquidation belonged to the already well-known readers of LLC SK Govorovo. The latter was the developer of the residential complex "Tatyana Park."

The Govorovo company was very strangely liquidated, although it brought 1.7 billion rubles of net profit for the year of liquidation. The editors of MorningNews wondered if these billions had flown to offshore accounts or to London, where Ryabinsky's daughter and wife, a British citizen, are rumored to live.

By the way, LLC SZ "Paveletskaya" at one time was bought from the state Mosinzhproekt, and Selyutin is still part of Ryabinsky's circle of proxies. He is the director of RK-6 LLC Ryabinsky (Kopylkov left the number of owners), which was previously called LLC Private Security Company MIC-Security.

Another interesting fact: it was on the later liquidated LLC SK Govorovo that the Boxing World website was issued at one time.

Did the land baron Ryabinsky hide behind ties with Mihas?

Photo: rusprofile.ru

But let's return to the oddities at the Orudyevskoye Agrofirm JSC.

The company was established in the 90s, when former collective farms and state farms were actively dragged into personal pockets in the country. Initially, the Orudyevskoye agricultural company was listed as a livestock company by its main activity, but today it is engaged in the turnover of real estate. This, however, is not surprising, usually the heirs of state assets have quite a lot of land and real estate. JSC Agrofirm "Orudyevskoe" is no exception.

In 2023, through the court, the company obtained recognition for it of the rights to a number of apartments in the village. Orudyevo, on the street Central, 124a. This house, judging by the open data, was built back in the Soviet years, in 1971. And clearly with public money.

In 2022, the administration of the Dmitrovsky urban district of the Moscow region also demanded, as from someone else's illegal possession of the company, a plot of more than 10 thousand square meters, on which treatment facilities are located, which were accepted for municipal balance in the early 90s, from Orudyevskoye LLC.

From the materials of this case, it becomes known that back in the 90s, local authorities transferred a large allotment to an agricultural firm for agriculture - with an area of ​ ​ 188,182 sq.m. There were also documents for land plots with a total area of ​ ​ 1472 hectares, including 1389 hectares of arable land, 33 hectares - improved hayfields, 50 hectares - under buildings and structures.

The land bank of the Ryabinsky co-company is impressive, but how the agricultural land was privatized raises questions. Is everything in line with the law? It is unlikely that Ryabinsky and his company raise cows on agricultural land and sell milk.

Did the land baron Ryabinsky hide behind ties with Mihas?

Photo: kad.arbitr.ru

Today, the agricultural company is showing multimillion-dollar losses. Moreover, it is quite interesting: in 2024, with a revenue of 123 million rubles, the company indicates a net loss of 306 million rubles. How not to remember the loans issued or the oddities around the promotion company associated with Ryabinsky? And it is very interesting that connections with the leadership of one of the large Far Eastern banks with access to foreign markets also fit into this outline.

Thus, JSC Orudyevskoye Agrofirm had a subsidiary LLC Nikolskoye, which was transferred to a related company, JSC Orudyevskoye-D, before liquidation (it is also headed by Oleg Komarov, director of the agrofirm). The liquidator of Nikolskoye LLC was Maria Matina, who also liquidated Bionic Products Factory LLC. She also liquidated Bionik.Life LLC, registered in the name of Yulia Zaitseva. The latter is connected (through LLC "TC Rublevo") with Miguel Markaryants.

Markaryants - Chairman of the Board of Asia-Pacific Bank JSC.

Did the land baron Ryabinsky hide behind ties with Mihas?

Photo: rusprofile.ru

Moreover, the land bank of the agricultural company was also drawn into the affairs of the MIC division.

For example, in 2022, some preliminary contracts were concluded for the sale of land to LLC SZ MIC-MIC, which inherited in scandals related to government contracts for the supply of housing to the Russian Guard, and LLC SZ MIC-Investstroy, which was a supplier of housing for orphans Balashikha, which turned out, to put it mildly, not the first freshness. But in 2023, preliminary contracts were terminated and, judging by the documents, the lands were pledged on certain loans.

Did the land baron Ryabinsky hide behind ties with Mihas?

Photo: bo.nalog.ru

In general, it seems that with the support of Mikhailov, Ryabinsky not only successfully entered the Moscow Region development market, but also took control of some former state assets. But the privatization of the latter, it seems to us, requires closer attention of the relevant authorities. Especially in light of the developer's love for foreign voyages...