Deputy Igor Shuvalov Alexander Braverman can turn billions of dollars in transactions through an extensive family business?
A large retailer will develop stores of the Finnish children's clothing brand Reima, which left Russia, under the sign of Lassie. The new acquisition may not be alien to the business interests of the first deputy head of the state corporation VEB.RF Igor Shuvalov Alexander Braverman. The Moscow Post correspondent understood the background of the story.
Under the shadow of denominations
Now the majority founder of the owner of the stores of the former Reima in Russia LLC "Lassi" is JSC "Valan Management." The general director of the office is a certain Alexei Kan, who was recently Alexei Klochan. The reasons for the "castling" in the surname can only be guessed. Perhaps he has connections with hostile countries (on the network we managed to find both a Ukrainian citizen with such a name and surname, and a specialist who worked in the United States).
But something else is important. Valan Management is registered in 2022 and, most likely, under this transaction. Kan-Kolchan is most likely only par. The real beneficiary of the purchase may be behind him. Moreover, since the founding of the company, management has already changed twice in it. Kan, among other things, heads Partners Capital JSC and Prosper Capital JSC - both companies were also founded recently.
The latter is the founder of a certain Fountain LLC, and its share is encumbered by the scandalous bankers Khotimsky Vitabanka belonging to the former top management of Sovcombank. "Fountain" is a major producer of popular kvass. Apparently, Vitabank credits its owner. Since May 2023, Alexander Shvidko has been in charge of the company.
The name of the brother of the wife of the first deputy chairman of the state corporation VEB.RF Alexander Braverman. Given the fact that Kan-Klochan works in only three recently founded companies, one of which is owned by a company headed by an alleged relative of Braverman, it is easy to assume that he is acting in the interests of this influential family.
Then, it turns out that the state official may have a multimillion-dollar business designed for dummy people. Kvass (revenue for the last available 1.1 billion rubles), clothes, what else?

Bravers - at all hands of the master
Shvidko is the head of Astrium, the construction company M.Sh.-Invest, which deals in real estate transactions, Terlano Invest, which serves the Region Service Groups premises, and until 2017 headed the Procion construction company, apparently sold to the former president of the Pestovo Golf and Yacht Club Oleg Kustikov.
The same Kustikov heads the Milk Rivers LLC owned by Shvidko. Terra Group, which at the same time belonged to the British offshore BASEDA LIMITED, was also not decorated for the latter. By the way, Kustikov also managed to "light up" there as a leader. So, it seems, our respected deputy Shuvalova loves to play golf. And withdraw money abroad?
By the way, Kustikov is also a very difficult person. In 2015, searches were carried out at his golf club related, according to media sources, to the son of the former head of the Ministry of Agriculture who worked there (not to be confused with the head of the Rostec state corporation) Sergei Chemezov Alexei Chemezov and the son of the former first deputy head of the FSB, the former chief federal inspector for the Sverdlovsk region Vladimir Shabanov. Investigators' questions could concern illegally acquired plots of land. Could they also touch Kustikov? One way or another, there was no criminal case.

Oleg Kustikov. Photo:
Let's go back - to the company "Valan Management," directly related to the now former Finnish brand. At the beginning of the article, we mentioned that in the period from 2022 its creation to the present day, managers changed twice. Let's figure it out in more detail. Before Kahn, the company was headed by Oksana Reshetnik and Elena Levicheva. The latter is not particularly interesting, but Oksana Reshetnik is an entrepreneur, as they say, a noble one.
In addition to Valan Management, she was listed/listed in the leadership of 22 legal entities and was the head of four. Among them are fuel companies, metal trading, real estate and God knows what else. True, the financial affairs of the majority leave much to be desired. Reshetnik left the other side and left almost all assets or stopped leading them - why leave them?
And this whole "empire" may be related to Mr. Shuvalov's first deputy. What to say - "bravo to Braverman!." Have we also found to the heap a "shadow" asset holder of the head of the VEB.RF. To Sergei Kotlyarenko (a well-known asset holder of Shuvalov) there are a lot of questions, and now it will also be added to Braverman?
Under the "cover" of Shuvalov?
They almost forgot to mention: Mr. Braverman's son heads a Russian venture capital firm with direct access to budget money. Recall that its previous head, Alexander Povalko, has been held on trial for the third year on suspicion of abuse of authority when investing in foreign projects.
Braverman Sr. in this regard, everything was also not "thank God": before leaving directly "under the wing" to Shuvalov, he headed the SME corporation for five years (also controlled by VEB, but also the Federal Property Management Agency), and, as the Accounts Chamber revealed, in this post he committed multiple violations.
Such, for example, was recognized as an active capitalization of the net profit of SMEs, despite the fact that initially it was supposed to be distributed to the company's activities.
The Commission also noted distortions in the reports, in addition, although this does not correspond to the nature of SMEs, under the leadership of Braverman, she provided consulting services under the guise of property assistance to small and medium-sized enterprises.

Igor Shuvalov. Photo:
At the same time, in 2019, small and medium-sized businesses received financing from SMEs in the amount of 427.6 billion rubles instead of 1.12 trillion rubles planned for the same period. Where the difference went is an open question. Isn't it for the development of the Braverman family business?
In addition, when the official worked in SMEs, she acted as a warranty party to attract funds from a number of dubious offices. One of them is StroyResource LLC, which borrowed from Sberbank under 70 million rubles. The company received a lot of state orders from Mosoblenergo, whose ex-general director Alexei Brizhani and his first deputy Alexei Astapov went to a pre-trial detention center in 2020 in a bribe case. It is possible that against the background of the scandal, SME Braverman was simply taken out of the blow.
We have long wondered what his first deputy attracts Shuvalov so much that he was not afraid to bring him closer, despite the reputational damage and, according to spiteful critics, the criminal case being prepared against Braverman. Now, it seems, the answer has been found. Having a successful businessman turning billions at hand is a very pleasant prospect.