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Blokhin Center under the shadow of Tashir?

The leadership of the Blokhin Center seems to have developed strong ties with the players of the medical business market - Tashir Medica from Tashir Group of Companies Samvel Karapetyan and the European Medical Center, behind which are the interests of the new dollar millionaire Igor Shilov and the old acquaintance of the family of Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova - Viktor Kharitonin.


The leadership of the Blokhin Center seems to have developed strong ties with the players of the medical business market - Tashir Medica from Tashir Group of Companies Samvel Karapetyan and the European Medical Center, behind which are the interests of the new dollar millionaire Igor Shilov and the old acquaintance of the family of Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova - Viktor Kharitonin.

In the state institution "N.N. Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology," the Ministry of Health of Russia, where the largest conflict in the medical sphere of Russia raged in 2019, is again a loud scandal. According to available information, the employees of the center appealed to the Prosecutor General's Office and the Investigative Committee with complaints about non-payment of incentive allowances, "dead souls," as well as strong ties between the top and commercial companies. The investigation, conducted by The Moscow Post, led to the head of the Tashir group - Samvel Karapetyan, the wife of the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Denis Manturov, as well as other equally well-known persons.

The Telegram channel of the Cheka-OGPU reported that employees of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "N.N. Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology," as it was four years ago, filed complaints with the Prosecutor General's Office, the Ministry of Health of Russia and the Investigative Committee. Deputy Ivan Stilidi, Tigran Gevorgyan, is mentioned as a defendant in the complaint. The telegram channel clarified that questions arose about the timing of incentive payments, which make up the bulk of the salary, and without which the doctor's naked salary is only 10 thousand rubles.

It will not be superfluous to remind that in 2019, when the Center got into a media audit in connection with the large-scale dismissal of doctors, in an interview with Izvestia, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Alexander Popa has already talked about the procedure for forming a salary. He noted that the doctor's salary is 10 thousand rubles, and his, who worked at the cancer center for 28 years, has 18 thousand rubles, and about 90% of the salary consists of incentive payments. Then, 4 years ago, it was also about problems with salaries, which forced doctors to actually riot and draw attention to the problem. And now - the SOS signal from the Blokhin Center sounds again.

For reference: according to the income statement for 2021, Gevorgyan himself received 7.949 million rubles, which is about 662.4 thousand rubles a month. The annual income of his boss, Ivan Stilidi, amounted to 162.8 million rubles.

The gap with the salaries of other workers is obvious. And then there are problems with payments.

They say that allegedly this is not the only thing that the center's employees complain about. Questions arose to employed persons, who, according to the documents, seem to be, but no one has ever seen them. Is it true that in the main cancer center of the country they sin with "dead souls"?

Speaking about Stilidi's deputy, Gevorgyan, they say that he is allegedly close to the Tashir group of companies Samvel Karapetyan, in whose companies you can even meet the relatives of the defendant's wife in senior positions.

Let's try to deal with this part of the claims.

Related quartet

Little is officially reported about Tigran Gevorgyan - there is only a photograph on the center's page, but there is no biography with all the regalia and merits. It is known from open sources that in 2017, in an interview, and even now, some sources represented him as the chief oncologist of the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region. If now Gevorgyan is Stilidi's deputy for the implementation of federal projects, then earlier he also appeared in some sources as the head of the department for organizing cancer care, international cooperation and telecommunications.

Today, among other things, Gevorgyan participates in the projects of the non-profit fund "National Fund for Health Development." The fund is managed and also co-founded by Larisa Efimova, who previously worked in the presidential administration as an adviser to the public associations department of the public relations department of the internal policy department and an adviser to the department for relations with business circles and public associations.

If we talk about Gevorgyan's family ties, then, judging by the personal page in one of the social networks (photo materials are at the disposal of The Moscow Post), he really has many relatives and they are all scattered in different regions of Russia and Armenia. The fact that this is not a namesake is indicated by photos from the workplace, as well as the presence in friends and other deputies of Stilidi, for example, having (judging by the income statement of 2021) an apartment in Israel, Alexander Petrovsky.

And here is a coincidence: in the list of relatives (this is how Gevorgyan himself marked them) there are citizens with the name Sukiasyan, including those living in the Kaluga region and Tula. And billionaire Samvel Karapetyan, the founder of the Tashir group in the Kaluga region, has an asset - Bryansk Capital LLC (50% of the share belongs to Tashir Capital LLC Samvel and Eteri Karapetyan), which is headed by a certain Mikael Yervandovich Sukiasyan.

Blokhin Center under the shadow of Tashir?

Asset "Tashira." Photo: https://www.rusprofile.ru/

Mikael Sukiasyan has a relative and former business partner in Megamolstroy LLC - Lala Sukiasyan, who does business in Tula, Kaluga and Moscow. In addition, Lala Sukiasyan in Tula leads Promgaz LLC, also part of the Tashira division (through Tashir Invest LLC).

In Tula, the aunt of Tigran Gevorgyan, who previously bore the name Poghosyan, lives. And the following coincidence: Lala Sukiasyan, together with a certain Vaspurak Poghosyan, is one of the co-founders of the public organization "Local Armenian National-Cultural Autonomy of the City of Kaluga." In turn, Vaspurak Poghosyan is the director of the Tashir Foundation, established by the Tashir Group of Companies Association, where Karapetyan himself is listed as president. Poghosyan is also a co-owner of Tashir Foundation LLC, together with Samvel Karapetyan himself.

Blokhin Center under the shadow of Tashir?

Poghosyan is the director of the Tashir Foundation. Photo: https://www.rusprofile.ru/

These are not all coincidences. For example, in the regional branch of the all-Russian public organization "Union of Armenians of Russia" in the Tula region, Gagik Surenovich Gevorkyan was noted among the co-founders, and, as you know, the patronymic of Tigran Gevorkyan is Gagikovich.

And, interestingly, the center of Blokhin, in which Tigran Gevorgyan occupies a high post, has state contracts with the companies of the Tashira division and the persons affected with them. For example, Sample Lab supplied reagents and other medical products worth more than 1.3 million rubles in 2022-2023. The company belongs to TM SPK 1 LLC, which is owned by Tashir Medica (T Medica LLC), a medical asset of Karapetyan's group, including betting on products and paid services from the field of oncology. Another co-owner is the managing partner of Tashir Doctors Arsen Galstyan.

In general, for various state customers, Sample Lab LLC has almost 400 state contracts totaling more than 803 million rubles.

Or here: the Klas company acted as the executor of five state contracts totaling 1.5 million rubles with the Blokhin Center, including after the change of leadership in the state institution on Stilidi. The company belongs to the relative of Arsen Galstyan - Artyom Galstyan and in general is a large state contractor (almost 700 state contracts).

But even this is not all Tashir's connections with the Blokhin Center.

Ivan Stilidi's Business Relations

In November 2018, by order of the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Veronika Skvortsova, the director of the Russian Cancer Scientific Center named after Blokhin was appointed chief freelance oncologist of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Ivan Sokratovich Stilidi.

Stilidi and his father, ex-prosecutor Sukhumi Socrates Stilidi, previously had shares in the Teledisk-Holding LLC baby food factory, the story of the redemption of which from a relative ended in a loud scandal that did not paint Stilidi family members. In detail, The Moscow Post talked about her in this material. Let's not repeat ourselves.

In addition, Ivan Stilidi has been the president of the National Union of Oncologists since June 2022 and was a co-owner of Aimed LLC, which was liquidated only in June 2019, when Stilidi was already the head of the Blokhin Center.

Blokhin Center under the shadow of Tashir?

Stilidi assets. Photo: https://www.rusprofile.ru/

Stilidi's partner in Aimed was also not the last person at the medical Olympus - the former Minister of Health of Chechnya, ex-deputy head of the Chechen government Elkhan Suleimanov (retired from October 2022), who, by the way, graduated from graduate school at the Russian Cancer Center named after N.N. Blokhin.

Blokhin Center under the shadow of Tashir?

Assets of Suleimanov. Photo: https://www.rusprofile.ru/

Interestingly, the liquidator of Aimed was Alexander Michurin, who was then the director of the Rome Rehabilitation and Innovative Medicine Center LLC, where Kenul Suleimanova (a relative of the ex-minister?) Was noted among the owners.

Elkhan Suleimanov was also a co-founder of the regional public organization "Society of Radiologists, Radiologists and Specialists of Ultrasonic Diagnostics in the Chechen Republic" (ROO "Chors"), among the founders of which was a certain Alexander Vasiliev, the owner of the Moscow LLC "Central Research Institute of Radiation Diagnostics," co-founder of the Foundation for the Development of Radiation Diagnostics.

Blokhin Center under the shadow of Tashir?

Co-founders of ROO "Chors." Photo: https://www.rusprofile.ru

Among the partners of the Vasiliev Foundation (headed by Alla Vasilyeva), MTL JSC was noted - a company that has been developing and producing high-tech digital equipment and information systems for radiation diagnostics since the 90s.

Together with MTL JSC, the Blokhin Center was a co-founder of the National Center for Onco-Radiological Competence (ANCORK) Association, which is now headed by Boris Dolgushin, director of the Blokhin Center Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Radiology.

Blokhin Center under the shadow of Tashir?

Founders of ANCORK. Photo: https://www.rusprofile.ru/

Among the partners of MTL is GE Healthcare. And then again what a coincidence - among the employees of Tashir Medics there is Nikolai Shum - the former head of sales at GE Healthcare in Russia/CIS and the ex-financial director of the global major GE Healthcare.

You look, and again "Tashir Medica" by Samvel Karapetyan! Aren't there many coincidences? As it turned out, not a lot...

All roads lead to EMC... again?

Another claim against Gevorgyan, which, according to the telegram channel Cheka-OGPU, is allegedly reported by employees of the Center, is strong and close ties with a major player in the Russian medical business market - the European Medical Center, which promotes its EMC Institute of Oncology in the private medicine market. According to rumors, allegedly in 2019, the wife of the hero of our publication was employed there. We could not find confirmation of this information, but we really managed to reach the strong ties of the Blokhin center with EMC.

Recall, according to data from the reporting of the United Medical Group Group (which includes the EMC), for 2022 it follows that the main owner with a 55% share is the founder of the Nidan company Ivan Shilov, whom Forbes called a candidate for the ranking of billionaires. An important remark: among the top management of the Nidan company was Leonid Pechatnikov, who later took the post of head of the Moscow Department of Health, who also held the chair of the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for Social Development (2012-2018).

The group, which includes EMC, also has more than 44% of the shares of a foreign shareholder - The Bank of New York Mellon from the USA.

Blokhin Center under the shadow of Tashir?

Beneficiaries. Photo: from EMC reporting

In addition, Alexander Andryushechkin from MedInvestGroup Viktor Kharitonin, a Russian billionaire who is associated with Russian Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova, looms behind the company controlled by the organization. In 2020, Forbes wrote that billionaire Kharitonin's company bought Baring Vostok's stake in the European Medical Center.

Blokhin Center under the shadow of Tashir?

Andryushechkin at United Medical Group. Photo: from EMC reporting

The very history of EMC's relationship with the Blokhin Center is not new.

In 2019, a scandal with the participation of the Blokhin Center and a certain company "Russian Doctor" has already come out. Then in this tandem there were violations that were stopped. The Moscow Post wrote about this story in detail.

The material of the Vademecum website cited the story of the director of the Russian Doctor, Yulia Morkunaite, about cooperation with the Center, indicating that Stilidi met back in 2017: "We agreed with the Blokhin Center, having already achieved success in working with Moscow private clinics. At EMC alone, we had treated hundreds of patients by more than €1 million. "

Then, in 2019, the now former employee of the Center, Bahodur Kamolov, was named as a defendant in the story with the "Russian Doctor" and the Blokhin Center.

In a 2017 interview with Forbes, where he appeared as the head of the Urology Clinic of the European Medical Center (EMC), he notes that "nineteen years at the Russian Cancer Research Center are my experience preceding my work at EMC": "There I went through an invaluable school of surgery with professors M. I. Davydov, I. S. Stilidi and V. B. Matveev."

According to Rusprofile, Bakhodur Kamolov is today the founder of a number of legal entities, including the National Council of Medical Tourism Association of Organizers of International Medical Tourism.

Blokhin Center under the shadow of Tashir?

Kamolov assets. Photo: https://www.rusprofile.ru

The founder of the medical tourism council was Medical City Group LLC, owned by Yulia Chepovetsky, the owner of Russky Doctor LLC, and the director, Yulia Morkunaite, already known to us, is an Israeli citizen.

Blokhin Center under the shadow of Tashir?

Establishment of the Board of Medturism. Photo: https://www.rusprofile.ru

In 2018, Julia Chepovetsky, presented as the editor-in-chief of the magazine Medical Tourism, in an interview with Med News, stated that the N.N. Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology is a powerful brand in the treatment of cancer, and above all, this is the merit of the doctors working here, adding that "It is not uncommon for Oncocenter doctors to operate on patients in private clinics" and "it's mostly about VIP patients demanding increased comfort." In 2017, in the advertising material of the Kommersant newspaper. Chepovetsky appeared as a media contact of the Israeli company DRA Medical (oncology).

Returning to Kamolov.

Today he is the executive director of the Russian Society of Oncourologists, which actively participates in the events of the Blokhin Center.

Moreover, the president of the ROO is Vsevolod Matveev, Stilidi's deputy for scientific and innovative work, head of the surgical department No. 4 (oncourology).

Matveev, together with the luminary in the world of oncology treatment Armais Kamalov, co-founded the MIO "Male and Reproductive Health." Kamalov is also the president of this MOO.

Blokhin Center under the shadow of Tashir?

Kamalov and Matveev. Photo: https://www.rusprofile.ru

Armais Kamalov is also a co-founder of the regional public organization of support for business and cultural initiatives "Assembly of Armenians" in Moscow. Among the co-founders of this legal entity is the founder of Tashir Samvel Karapetyan. No less famous persons were noted among the co-founders: the official representative of the Prosecutor General's Office of Armenia in Russia since 2008, Kamo Avagumyan, whose family was associated with the son of ex-Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Chaika, Russian diplomat of Armenian origin Vage Yengibaryan.

Blokhin Center under the shadow of Tashir?

Kamalov and Karapetyan. Photo: https://www.rusprofile.ru

Armais Kamalov also acts as the head of the Medicine of the Future Foundation, the general director of which is Artashes Armaganov, who, in turn, was previously the director of Personal Medical Diagnostics LLC. The last one today is another asset of the Tashir Medica group of Karapetyan.

In addition, Armais Kamalov was also a co-founder of the ROO "Male Health." Among the creators was also noted the All-Russian public organization "ROPREH," whose president is Natalya Manturova, whose data coincide with the data of the wife of the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Denis Manturov.

Blokhin Center under the shadow of Tashir?

Kamalov and Manturova. Photo: https://www.rusprofile.ru

At joint events with the deputy heads of the Blokhin Center, Ivan Stilidi, in 2019, Manturova also appeared as the chief freelance specialist-plastic surgeon of the Russian Ministry of Health.

As we can see, under Stilidi and Gevorgyan, an adulterous picture was formed in the state center of Blokhin. And the last "smears" in it, it seems to us, should be made by prosecutors and investigators, to whom the employees of the medical institution turned. Perhaps by pulling one string, they will spin a whole ball with unpleasant consequences for some of the defendants.