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Billions in Varivod to Gutseriev

How FCS money could be taken offshore by oligarch Gutseriev.


How FCS money could be taken offshore by oligarch Gutseriev.

The other day, Dmitry Vasiliev, head of the Central Information and Technical Customs Administration (CITTU) of the Federal Customs Service (FCS), was detained on suspicion of bribery and embezzlement from state squads.

The Moscow Post reviewed government contracts and got acquainted with the firms with which they were concluded. Among them, we found Inline Technologies. Previously, the company was registered with the offshore company Iess Systems Limited. We assumed that funds could be withdrawn through it.

A few days later, the editorial office received a curious letter in which our informant draws attention to a whole network of offshore companies that can be associated with the case of not only customs officer Vasiliev, but also a lot of other illegal operations to withdraw state funds from Russia.

Names and details - in the material of The Moscow Post.

Rostelecom offshore?

Iess Systems Limited, which was in question, is located at the same address (Nayplίoy, 15) as Zilkonet Enterprises Limited, which controls one of Rostelecom's largest contractors, Inline Telecom Solutions. The portfolio of government contracts of this company with one provider alone is more than 22 billion rubles.

Billions in Varivod to Gutseriev

Photo: https://www.rusprofile.ru

Inline Telecom Solutions is associated with the interests of businessman Vladimir Varivoda. Almost nothing is known about him, except that he was born in Ukraine. In open sources, we found an extract from the Maltese register, which indicates that the full namesake of Varivoda has Maltese citizenship.

Billions in Varivod to Gutseriev

Photo: https://kompromat1.pro/articles/213396-vladimir_varivoda_likvidatsija_rossijskih_aktivov_biznes_v_londone_i_maljtijskij_pasport

More is known about the company - it is not surrounded by the most beautiful stories. Several years ago, the Vladivostok prosecutor's office revealed the fact of a corruption offense in its activities. It was found that the representative of the company gave a bribe in the amount of 180 thousand rubles to the technical director of the Primorsky branch of Rostelecom. About this wrote Sobesednik. However, this did not become the basis for the termination of cooperation between companies.

At the same time, despite all the funds received by the company, in 2021 its revenue sharply decreased, financial risks appeared. This leads to some thoughts about the likely corruption component at the level of its leadership. Was Rostelecom's money in Cyprus along with the money of customs officers? And what does the head of the operator Mikhail Oseevsky think about this?

Do not forget that the first vice-president of the company is the son of the deputy head of the presidential administration Sergei Kiriyenko. Can the latter also take part in the ignoble affairs of the company?

Rublyov under other foreshortening

To the same address, as both above-mentioned Cyprian firms, one more interesting offshore - Nobel Holdings Investments Ltd is located. He appeared after closing of the transaction between the public investment fund China Investment Corporation with the Russian group "Nobel Oil" of the disgraced banker Grigory Gurevich in 2009. There owners "Nobel of an oil" introduced his stocks, and the Chinese companies are money. They were planned to be spent except operating expenses on acquisition and development of oil reserves. Only not the fact that everything went according to the plan.

In 2020 "Nobel Oil " to Gurevich imputed to the president fraud with money of Rublyov bank which largest beneficiary he was.

Besides, in 2019 Sberbank appealed to Arbitration court of the Komi Republic with claims for recognition by bankrupts of two companies ‒ Neftus and Kolvaneft. The CEO of both companies at that time was Grigory Gurevich and as our informant writes, the company was controlled by one more offshore that everything locates at the same address, as above-mentioned - GODAPA ENTERPRISES LIMITED. He calls also other offshores which could be also related to Gurevich - Vilaks Petroleum Co Ltd and Manaus Trading Ltd.

Whether not there millions from Rublyov flowed away?

Gutseriev's trace

In February, 2021 the former shareholders "Nobel Oil" led by Gurevich and foreign investment funds sold this Sarenoti Ltd company that connect with the interests of family of the deputy of the State Duma from the CPRF Vakha Agayev and his son Bekhan who died last year. Vakha Agayev for long years was on friendly terms with the oligarch Mikhail Gutseriev, and Bekhan Agayev worked as his adviser in Russneft. As earlier I assumed The Moscow Post, Gurevich thus can save the assets through Mikhail Gutseriev.

We will remind, the oligarch in Russia has huge debts – in 2019 they were estimated at one trillion rubles. Perhaps, by means of Gurovich and his offshores, Gutseriev decided to correct the financial position?

Where without the plants

We go further. If to lean on the registered office of the Cyprian offices, then the interests of the same persons are traced also in the transaction on acquisition of "The Podolsk chemical steel works" that is today the leader of the world market in production of ingots of silicon and cut plates of single-crystal silicon for production of the photo-electric converters which are used in solar power.

In 2000 known on all I will become mind-blowing sales of "Bush's legs" the Soyuzcontract group of companies acquired a controlling stake of the plant, but later literally few years as the informant tells, on him the new shareholder – the PCMP INTER TECHNOLOGY LIMITED company appeared. And this office all from the same Nayplίoy, 15.

Founders of Soyuzcontract are Mikhail Lyubovich and Goldstein Aleksej. The last was suspected of murder of the partner.

In 1998 Soyuzcontract was accused of fraud. The fact is that the holding took the large credit in "SBS-Agro". But I didn't return money, and under the terms for the lack of means I had to pay off with products. But, when money didn't come in time, it turned out that meat doesn't belong to Soyuzcontract: it was the seized property which the prosecutor's office only placed in his warehouses

Some time Yury Rydnik was the CEO of Soyuzcontract. According to the informant, the last owned about 100 offshore companies and banks, 5 western companies (3 of them in the USA). Perhaps, he was also connected with withdrawal of funds from assets controlled by him?

Both founders of Soyuzcontract already died, and here the "Podolsk chemical steel works" which underwent last year reorganization in Ltd company still works for the owners – the Investkapital company that it is issued on a certain Oksana Yudayeva. It is interesting that earlier this company belonged also to offshore - GILBANE ENTERPRISES LIMITED behind which Rydnik's interests can be.

Money flows the river

It turns out that in Russia and beyond her limits there can be the whole group of the people who are engaged in purposeful and methodical withdrawal of funds in the offshore companies from absolutely various paths of the Russian economy – from the plants and telecom operators to customs officers.

Several possible beneficiaries of all these manipulations, such as Grigory Gurevich, could already detain. This investigation can become a push to finding "missing" billions and also potential helpers in withdrawal of funds.